WooHOO in 2015

  • Jan. 21, 2016, 1:15 p.m.
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Finally after 3 long years I was approved for SSI not disability mind you but every little bit helps. It’s not much but it will give me Medicaid which will pay all my medicals and meds. Now the amount I get isn’t enough to pay the mortgage but God will provide a way. Things are looking a bit up.

I realized today that opening up my computer has been far and few between when I would open it the first thing each morning and stay on it till bedtime. What a difference things make in your life.

I saw the doctor yesterday a huge pile of blood drawn and getting fussed at for not calling sooner with my cough. Because my lungs are bad I should no better. I’m not sure I said but my old doctor left so I’m now seeing Mom’s doctor. He’s a sweetheart and I know he knows my history that’s for sure. So he’ll take care of me anyway until he retires. Now he was Mom’s doctor for 35 years and he’s probably maybe 3 years or so older than me.

The kids are growing in leaps and bound must take the time to post some pics soon I just haven’t felt like getting on as you all know. Luke keeps me smiling and I love snuggling him close to me. He’s now laughing and smiling and if he hears my voice he will flip his head in every direction to find me you know who he spends most of his time around right. LOL I kind of kidnap him each morning and he lays in here in the living room in the playpen beside me it has the piece where it doesn’t go as deep so for infants it’s easier. He now lays and just talks and coos to me all the time. I like with Bobby have found a very special bond with him.

I won’t promise to be back tomorrow as one we’re expecting a bad snow storm and two well you know my track record here but I will try and do better.

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