You want h-how much?! in Vulnerability
- Feb. 19, 2016, 6:33 a.m.
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I honestly do not know what to do.
I just spent $151 on a consultation for a dentist to tell me that if I want the tooth that is causing me pain fixed, it’ll set me back around $2400.
I told her I’ll think about it over the weekend. So, I’m still in pain and the idea of forking out that much dough over one fucking tooth just seems preposterous.
It’s what I thought it was. Decay and bacteria are causing the pain. The only way it can be saved is via a root canal, which are apparently $2400 these days!! I’ve had one of those before a few years ago and it sure as hell didn’t cost that much!
The other option is I can get it removed for $320. Great. Then I’ll have a big gap in the bottom of my mouth.
Christ I miss having a health care card. I should go back to casual hours!
I’ve been at home looking up dental-tourism websites and health provided websites (which are useless with the 12-month waiting periods). Even the policies are all pretty much shit, because the price of dental is so outrageous in Australia, the health insurance companies won’t even offer decent options, and cap their benefits at a certain (pathetic) amount each year, AND to even get the decent high-capped amounts, you have to fork out $200 a month in premiums. Errrm, so in 11 months of (ongoing) payments, that’ll be the cost of the root canal itself paid for. Hmmmm.
Maybe I should just get another quote from another dentist. But forking out $150 for each consult is gonna bloody-well add up too.
I don’t know what to do. I don’t earn enough to go forking out 2.5k willy-nilly.
I could have gotten the tooth removed there and then, but I didn’t want to make an on-the-spot decision and have a huge gap in my mouth. It’s out of the way of my smile-line, which is a good thing, but it’d take a heck of a lot of getting used to.
I just read that tea-tree oil apparently calms gum nerves. It says to either rub it on the gumline where the sore tooth is, or make a mouthwash with it. I’ll probably try both. The person who suggested this even said the tooth eventually fell out on it’s own accord. Not sure I believe that, but if it saves me $320, then sure! I’ll give anything a go at this point, until I’m sure I’ll probably not be able to stand the pain anymore and go get her to rip the damn thing out :(
Of course there’s other teeth that need saving - ie, her to take my money with.
I’ve always hated my teeth. I really have, since I was a kid. Now they are hating me back.
I’m off to get some tea tree oil.
Last updated February 19, 2016
cazoob ⋅ February 19, 2016
That's preposterous! Oh my goodness. Granted I'm in a whole other state and outside of the major city, but I was quoted for a root canal last year for $755. And the consult was like $50. Perhaps try another dentist!
KissOfLife! cazoob ⋅ February 19, 2016
I am looking around! Haha. What was that dentist? Flying to Melb would be cheaper!
magicstar ⋅ February 19, 2016
Could you call around and get quotes without the consultation?
I don't know if this is true or not, but my dentist told me that if they just pull a tooth (I'd cracked a molar and we were talking about the need for a root canal if the filling didn't work, which I was against and asked about just pulling it), it's possible that your other teeth will move to close the gap.
Perpetually Plump ⋅ February 19, 2016
Dental in the US is outrageous, as well, and dentists will tell you just about anything to get your money. We, too, have caps on dental benefits (ridiculous!) I have had a dentist basically tell me my entire mouth has gone to pot, and I'd need tens of thousands in dental work. I didn't get it done. I went to a different dentist 3 years later, and i needed a few fillings. It cost me a few hundred bucks! The lady I saw was a crook. Oh, and I know a lady here who will do a cleaning and x-rays with an exam for like $80 if you don't have insurance. $150 for a consultation is absolutely out of control. It should have been free or like $25. So, so ridiculous how money grubbing people are. Just know if you get it yanked that your other teeth may all move to close the gap. Thst could get good or bad, depending. Also, tea tree oil is not for internal use. You're only supposed to use it externally! And it's clove oil that helps with gums and dental stuff. I had a dry socket after getting a wisdom tooth pulled. The dentist packed it with a cloth/paper type thing soaked in clove oil. It was like magic in making it feel better!
Rerrin ⋅ February 20, 2016
Yep, definitely cloves that help with tooth pain. I'd shop around, that seems outrageous.
Palmtreesandzebras ⋅ February 20, 2016
Can you call around and see if any places do a payment plan? I couldn't afford a crown. Called around found a place that did a payment plan.. And they told me I didn't need a crown. The dental hygenist was like some dentists are just out for the cash.. So get a second opinion.