I dunno. in A small but passable life.
- Dec. 11, 2015, 8:55 a.m.
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We’ll add five more afternoons for the walks for Liam Dog and I since my last entry. There has been beautiful weather. Warm and dry.
This morning I woke up to overcast skies. But it is warm.
I found an email from the library this morning telling me there is a book waiting for me. So I guess I’ll be walking there after I finish my coffee. I’ll have to walk solo and take Liam Dog out later.
I made a devil’s food cake with strawberries and cream frosting yesterday. Decadently delicious!
I’ve found a vetting method for news sites. Call up their home page. Type in “Kardashian”. If anything shows up then the site is obviously not a true news site. Time to move on. It really narrows the field down. And shows how stupid the US population really is.
So yeah, everything is copacetic here. Just one day after another. Tick, tock.
Sometimes I need to remind myself that anywhere is the same as anywhere. And everywhere is the same. Even more so the older one gets. That’s been my experience, so far. Maybe I need to step outside the box and prove myself wrong? I dunno.
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