Scotty23460 in Chunky giblets

  • Dec. 31, 2015, 6:09 a.m.
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You missed my articles on internet fuckery, didn’t you? I know you did. So, with that said… WARNING - you may be offended. Fuck you if you are.

Scotty23460, real life name Morgan “Scotty” Hill, also known as TomokiSorata, ObsidianKing, NightWolf5052 and KazutoAkito (scotty’s current main) is a creepy, pedophile, bruting, weeaboo, nice guy who spends his time on Second Life maintaining his harem of Guy IRLs he calls his “daughters.” Scotty is also a trainwreck of drama and lulz.

Scotty, like most fat internet fucks, does not work or have a job. No, all his money comes from his allowance he gets from Mommy and Daddy. He also lives in his parents’ basement as seen in his IRL pictures. He’s so broke in fact that he has to beg his friends for as little as 10 linden dollars, equivalent to about a penny in IRL money. In addition to lying about being knowledgeable about computers, he is also a liar about being in the military. When asked the simplest of questions such as his number, he wasn’t able to produce it. He also lies about his age constantly, sometimes saying he’s 40, while his Facebook states he’s still attending community college (which he’s not). All of his lying is one of the key reasons he’s able to build a harem of retarded internet bimbos who have fewer brain cells than even him. He is also a relentless guilt tripper, even to the point of threatening to kill himself in order to keep girl within his family of daughters. He’s also horrendously creepy, as he tried to prevent one of his daughters from leaving the family.

Scotty, like many internet dramacows is apparently a world renowned hacker. He claims that by obtaining your public IP address he not only can find out where you live, but also can hack your PC and see everything on your screen as well as out of your webcam. He has also called a user’s ISP in order to tattle on him for being mean to him online, to which the ISP of course did nothing. Scotty has used these tactics on those who call him out on his bullshit as he has literally nothing else to defend himself. This means Scotty is literally a terrorist. By manipulating (or attempting to) the fear of others he strives to get what he wants like a child threatening to get his older brother to beat you up. Since he literally lacks the little intelligence required to argue with someone over the internet, he has to resort to blatant lies about being able to physically affect his opponent through digital means.

Scotty is also a recognized English expert, and is ready to correct anyone for making the most uncaring and unimportant typos. He often resorts to criticizing one’s English when he’s realized he’s beat in an argument or when he literally has used up the last of his braincells from watching too much anime and children’s cartoons. There’s not much else to say about his horrible typing skills other than it’s a marvel he can even spell his name correctly. Although to be fair, he does often forget to capitalize the S in Scotty.

Scotty does NOT do drama, guys. He does NOT. It says so in his profile! Certainly this marvel of human existence would not condone in ANY personal or emotional conflicts with any other persons. Who the fuck are we kidding, he’s a total drama llama. Here are some logs. Also, when he can’t “win” in his drama wars that he himself creates, he often reports users to Linden Labs and personally IMs them to make sure his opponent gets in trouble. Local resident and Nice Guy Cornyflowerz was banned from SL for harassment after Scotty reported him for taking the screenshots for his article. Scotty’s enemies on SL are unbelievably plentiful. He can literally wander into any SIM, ones he’s never even been in before and by sheer REPUTATION he is instantly attacked, and for good reason.

Scotty is also a relentless grudge holder, and will literally spend every ounce of his energy on bringing down someone who doesn’t even give a shit about him. He commands his daughters like an army to downvote YouTube videos of users he doesn’t like, and report users on SL in order to try and get them banned. He also doesn’t allow his daughters to hang out with anyone besides himself, proving that he doesn’t see them as any more than sexual objects with the reassuring lie that he’s just “protecting” them from the REAL assholes out there.

Scotty is most definitely a whining internet crybaby, but unlike the majority of others, he takes it a step further and goes to blame EVERYONE ELSE for all his fucking problems. That’s right, nothing he does or says to anyone is his fault, and if it is, he apologizes and then GUILT TRIPS the one he’s offended into feeling bad for his sorry pathetic ass so that they won’t completely toss him in the garbage like he actually deserves. He even threatens to fucking KILL HIMSELF if they don’t accept his friendship and creepy advances. This is not a rare occurrence, just about any female he comes across has been guilt tripped by him at one point.

Scotty’s sim ( is full of creepy pedo shit, including a weird baby kiddy playroom, weird creepy chairs and sex poseballs nearly in EVERY PIECE of furniture. No joke, even the fucking garage workbenches have sex scripts in them. In addition to his weird creepy house, there’s loads of floating islands full of weeaboo hentai posters and more creepy pedo shit. Scotty often uses his female alts to have orgies with people he thinks are girls but they’re actually other creepy males who think his female alt is also a girl.

Scotty often invites young looking female avatars to his sim, where he persuades them with loads of gifts and linden dollars, proving that he’s a nice guy. Although he claims nothing sexual ever happens between him and his underage RP daughters, this is obviously a lie since literally every piece of furniture has sex scripts in them. After buying a girl a new outfit, he will insist that he watches them change into it.

And what does Scotty have to say about his sim? Well, he denies that it’s a sex sim for kiddies, and claims that all the stuff in the house came with it! That’s right, he claims that it’s not HIS fault there’s a load of sex furniture in the same house as his kiddy rooms and furniture. He also blames one of his daughters for it, proving once again that Scotty is just a scummy piece of shit.

Here’s his facebook details. He may or may not have deleted it.
Facebook Username: [email protected]
Facebook Password: b24360

Scotty lives in Wytheville, Virginia and is apparently attending Wytheville Community College. However, his account lists him living in Bay Area, California which could just be a fake location. Anyway, his facebook is full of faggotry. He’s friends with over 600 random females he does not know, and when he tries to talk to them, they don’t respond lol, to which he made a funny complaint post on his wall. Scotty went to Fort Chiswell High in Max Meadows, Virginia, where he had no friends and sat alone at lunch period every day, playing his purple gameboy color to pass the time.

Last updated December 31, 2015

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