Daffodils in Talk Story

  • Jan. 8, 2016, 6:52 p.m.
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At Christmas… a friend gave me a gift of 200 daffodil bulbs…

But with all of the rain here on the coast… I have been tardy getting them into the ground…

Today I noticed that all of them were starting to sprout… so despite the poor weather… I decided to get them planted…

Not an easy task… as each bulb needs to go about 2-4 inches into the soil…

I used a claw hammer… a good strong whack left a hole about 3-4 inches… and then into the hole with a bulb… cover it with dirt… and move on…

200 times…!

Hope all is well with you…

Lady of the Bann January 09, 2016

I would dig a wider hole and plant 3 or 4 together.

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm January 09, 2016

I'm sure they will be beautiful. I do need some new bulbs. take care,

TruNorth January 09, 2016

Would love to see them all bloom. I planted about 50 bulbs in Sep and a couple of days later I noticed holes in the garden. It seemed that every bulb had been dug up by squirrels (and presumably eaten) so not expecting much this spring!

dream seeker January 10, 2016

That's going to be gorgeous when they bloom! Daffodils just make you smile. :)

^..^Kat January 11, 2016

That's a lot of daffodils!

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