First entry of the year. in Every day scata

  • Jan. 2, 2016, 8:55 a.m.
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I think I’m just going to copy/paste some of my lists from facebook. Backwards.

1/2/16 omg
1. I think I gave myself a chemical burn up my nose and throat. I inhaled vinegar fumes from the coffee pot. I can’t stop coughing and my nose burns like a mo-fo. This isn’t a good thing.

  1. I’m getting used to the keyboard. My typing speed has increased (thanks to a space bar that works) and I’m making less typos. This IS a good thing. I have no patience with myself when I can’t type.

  2. Today’s runes… DAEG- light, health, and prosperity. Oh that would be nice! TYR-Justice, victory, success in competition. This would be nice too!! OS-Communication and sound reasoning. Well, that is always a good thing, right?

  3. After I finish with this list, I need to take down all the Zmas cards. I hate to throw them away though, and I’m not crafty enough to do something with them.

  4. After I do that, I’m going to start on the next picture. My arm isn’t hurting, so I want to take advantage of the no pain thing.

1/1/16 evening omg…
1. My back is freaking killing me. I can’t tell if it’s my back, or my kidney. grrr

  1. I finished the challenge picture, and have several picked out for other challenges. I’m doing them totally out of order lol That is so me. My entire left arm is sore from coloring all day today.

  2. Sure is quiet in fb land today.

  3. Pam and I had munchie stuff for supper. It was nice to eat what we wanted to for a change, and it not being Sunday.

  4. Did I mention the cake I screwed up on last night? So I make this cake that I call “easy cake”. I thought I had the right ingredients but realized that I had the wrong cake mix as I stirred everything together. So I splashed some water in it, added a couple of eggs and crossed my fingers. lol it didn’t come out bad at all!

1/1/16 afternoon Please sir, may I have another?

  1. On our way to the store, Pam and I almost hit a gaggle of turkeys.. or whatever you call a bunch of them. I know it’s due to the flood waters pushing them out of their hidey holes. Poor things. They were good sized ones. Would have done quite a bit of damage if we hit them. Turkey dinner, anyone?

  2. I’ll be finished with this coloring challenge pretty quick. I won’t post it until it’s due though. I’ll have to bookmark it.

  3. Pam switched out my keyboard for me. The ergonomic one was so damn loud and annoying. But now I can’t type at all. I have a hard time with the “b” and the “v”. But at least its quieter.

  4. I’m tired for no good reason. I didn’t stay up too late. I shouldn’t be tired. grrr. Maybe I need food. I’ll eat some carrots in a little bit.

  5. Same new years day memes are flying around. Nothing original. I am disappoint.

1/1/16 morning.

First list of the year…
1. My S key and G key stopped working unsure emoticon had to restart the computer. Gremlins in the machine.

  1. Let’s pull some runes… BEORC-Gestation, birth, growth, fertility. Makes sense, it’s the first of the year, hence the birth. GER-Cycle of the year, evolution I swear I just pull these out of the bag! Sometimes I freak myself out lol THORN-The
    subconscious, inhibitions, and blockages. Yeah, I kind of felt that yesterday with the coloring. Like something was blocking me from starting. I should really lay out some cards for myself to see what they say. Maybe later today.

  2. “Only an arrogant man will claim to be independent of everybody else and be self=contained.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

  3. The sun is really shining this morning. This makes me happy. They’re not calling for rain for at least another week. Gads I hate to think what would happen if we got more rain. Actually I’m already worried about it.

  4. I’m getting a little stupid about my pencils. It’s not like they are getting super short, but I’m still afraid of wearing them down. It’s a stupid fear.

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