A Heart Set on Fire Then Left Fallow in The eye of every storm

  • Dec. 19, 2015, 5:28 a.m.
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  • Public

A heart which bleeds loses blood with each beat, until it stops working, stops beating.

A fear grew, which towered over me, until I stopped feeling, I stopped wondering what our future would’ve looked like.

Everything I wanted, I thought was there within you, but you chose to leave and not fight for me. I said everything, everything I could, I had to. But words lost their purpose, they became meaningless to you.

A love that fell asleep became too tired for you and I. Until you couldn’t awaken it, until it slept forever.

A voice that falls silent, not saying what is wrong, until words aren’t enough, until love isn’t even enough.

I did everything I could, I gave you all I had.

But sometimes things need to burn to the ground, so it can grow anew. Just like you said.

Last updated December 19, 2015

auburn_girl December 19, 2015

Deleted user December 19, 2015

i guess even ashes have nutrients?

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