Badges in Piccies

  • Dec. 6, 2015, 3:28 a.m.
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  • Public

Jetlag isn’t going anywhere. It’s 1:30pm and I’m tired as fuck. God-damnit. I go back to work on Thursday so I hope this is gone by then! I already had a bit of a nap. Not quite sure how I’m going to turn this clock around yet. Yet again, I woke up thinking I was still in Europe and confused as to where the fuck I was. C’mon brain, seriously, it’s been three days now since you got home.

I had my groceries delivered this morning, so at least I have food in the house now.

I added all the badges I bought overseas to my bag :)

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They aren’t exactly neat but oh well.

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Deleted user December 06, 2015


Crystal Apple December 06, 2015

I agree just try and force yourself. It's hard but it takes about a week - ten days to adjust. I hate jetlag with a passion

kmh. December 06, 2015

Great badges :) I hope you can get your body & brain back in to normal timezone working order soon!

AlexYourAlterEgo December 07, 2015

I love badges. I never see them anywhere, though. I'd love to build up a bit of a collection. Maybe I'll have to buy my own badge press.

aussie_powers December 07, 2015


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