Sorry in 2015

  • Dec. 31, 2015, 12:13 p.m.
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I’ve been in a really bad place and I’m having a really hard time pulling myself out. I find myself alone most of the time these days. Heather stays cooped in her room she’s mad again. Shawn caught Hope cutting up a paper plate all over the floor he asked her to clean it up before I got up and did it and she denied doing it. Heather claimed she was in the kitchen and she’d not done anything but Heather wasn’t in the kitchen he was laying in the bed. And so she’s mad and won’t come out of her room except for the bathroom she won’t allow the children to talk to me and she even has Robert sitting in there at night so I’m completely alone day and night as Shawn and CJ stay in there room. The Holiday’s have really been hard on me and I’ve struggled so much.. I had to call and tell the cemetery to pick up Bobby’s marker and have it fixed or replaced that has made me really sad. I’m still waiting on Social Security although when I called yesterday I was told that a decision had been reached and that a letter would be sent as soon as the details were finalized. So it sounded a bit hopeful and from what I have read if it goes through medical without being sent denied and goes to the offices that it has been approved and it has to wait for the offices to verify all other stuff before they send the letter so maybe I will get the letter soon. I just pray that they have approved SSI or disability one. Things are really hard right now and I really need to get some finances straight. I can’t say that I will write everyday but I will try to return soon.

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