In which Baker B is dragged into this century in shiny things

  • Dec. 8, 2015, 2:13 p.m.
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Well, he wasn’t dragged as much as poked and prodded into it. Yesterday we went to Verizon and I got a new iphone (a 6; happily the cheapest one was what I wanted) and he got my old 5C. Which is a perfectly fine little phone that I kind of hated to give up, but it’s over two years old and the battery life is deteriorating. Since he has basically no apps (just the ones that came on it so far, and he’s opposed to most of those), I don’t think it will be a problem with him. We have agreed that if he hates it, he can get a plain old non-smart flip phone. As long as it’s Verizon. He won’t hate it. It’s very strange to realize he has… a smart phone.

Let me just note here that when I went to Tracfone’s website to deactivate his phone, there of course were no instructions. I had to yet again to the support forum, post a question, get an answer in my inbox instructing me to go to Chat. Once in Chat it wasn’t much of a problem - this chat person didn’t seem to be working with ten people at once and take ages between replies, and she disconnected it pretty quickly - but honestly. Could it be more difficult to do anything with your Tracfone, other than watch the minutes vanish monthly?? I think not.

I’m having a weird slow period at work, which should help with the getting back into writing habit. Classes are over, exams are in progress, and I can’t do anything else to the December or May grads until grades post next week. And right now I’m currently being very distracted by A Student With Problems who is talking to Aggravation Receptionist. Very loudly. In one of those grating painful high-pitched-little-girl-with-“creak”-affectation voices that make me want to saw my own ears off.

This Student With Problems has already been an ENORMOUS pain in the ass. She is hoping to graduate in December (yes, now! Technically they do have till January 8 to clear everything up, but STILL. They walk in the ceremony Saturday. We told her she was short all this stuff back in August and she’s just now trying to do something about it.) She has several shortages, one being a C- in a class that she needs a C minimum for, and another that’s supposed to be counting in her major but isn’t. We’ve already had a number of email conversations and a phone conversation and she came into my office in person this morning for a face-to-face conversation, and I tell her the same thing in each conversation, which is that she has to talk to her advisor or the chair of her department about these shortages. She says she’s worked it out so this class counts here and that one counts there and I keep telling her if that’s the case the department has to send approvals to us. Instead she keeps emailing totally non-involved departments (General Education, the Registrar’s Office) and listing out all these classes that are supposed to be counting, and they all email her back and copy me and say, “Dude, seriously.... TALK TO YOUR DEAN’S OFFICE.” and I email her and say, “Dude, seriously … as I’ve already told you repeatedly, TALK TO YOUR ADVISOR. Or the chair of your department. Or SOMEONE WHO CAN ACTUALLY HELP!!!”

Of course I say it more nicely than that. My patience has worn quite thin, though.

She’s in here currently not to talk to me, thank god, but to talk to the Ass’t Dean about the C-. She had a very long tale about it this morning that frankly made no sense at all, involving having three different professors for the class and then they asked her what grade she thought she should have and she’s very modest so despite having A’s in most of her major work she said “C-” and that’s what they gave her and now she can’t graduate and she had nothing under a B in anything she turned in but there’s no record of her grades anywhere and she talked to the department chair and he just brushed her off.... and I am thinking WTF???? I don’t think so! But then again given the department she’s in… maybe it’s true. Who knows. Point being now it’s time for her to talk to the Ass’t Dean, who wasn’t here this morning. Now he is. Poor guy.

She is very very very chatty. She is a question-asker. I can hear her talking to Aggravation Receptionist nonstop, and she’s asking her all these questions. “Have you always worked in schools?” What was your favorite job? Do you think driving an hour to work is too long?”

When she was in my office and I was trying to tell her what she needs to do to get all this stuff straightened out, she kept talking to me on totally non-related subjects, especially while I was trying to look up things for her. “Are you from Tennessee? “(because I have a couple of pictures of my nieces’ kids, all three in University of Tennessee gear - the twins have on tiny cheerleader suits while the little boy is wearing an orange baseball outfit. Actually I don’t think that has anything to do with Tennessee - I think that was his little league outfit) “Are you from New York??” (..... no clue where that came from. At the time I thought she was looking at pictures of New York on my shelves, but then I realized I have no pictures from New York on display. I’ve got pictures of Charleston, pictures of Glastonbury, pictures of Bath, pictures of Stonehenge, and pictures of London. Which don’t look at all like New York). I finally said I was from Asheville, and she asked something about that but now I’ve forgotten what.

I can kind of see how she’s in this situation. She apparently would rather talk and talk and talk (in her ear-bleeding voice) than listen to what people are saying to her. Perhaps she should be majoring in Communications to be a reporter instead of what she is majoring in. She actually has a very good GPA and I imagine she will get all this stuff fixed in the end, but honestly.

And now it’s nearly time to go - hooray!

Last updated December 11, 2015

noko December 08, 2015

Oh! Big step for Mr. B. My sister and B-I-L just got smart phones about six months ago and we are all so excited and amazed at how once complicated things like shopping for each other gets simple. You just ask the other person if they want this thing on sale or not via IM or a text. I know, pretty radical.

I have a croaky voice today and it is high to begin with and I was thinking h gosh is everybody going to be annoyed by my vocal fry? It sounds like the student is oblivious.

edna million noko ⋅ December 09, 2015

In recent visits with my smartphone enabled cousins, I've been amazed at how easy it is to coordinate everyone's location and timing via quick texts. Even better since I hate phonecalls!

noko edna million ⋅ December 09, 2015

Oh I agree! Phones are so much better when we don't need to talk on them.

Lyn December 08, 2015

Congrats to you and Baker B!!!!

Poor you dealing with the clueless student. At least she is finally dealing with it rather than a helicopter parent, I guess.

edna million Lyn ⋅ December 09, 2015

That is a VERY good point! She does get credit for that.

ermentrude December 09, 2015

Going from a non texting phone to an iPhone could be an evolutionary step too many! I hope he doesn't implode under the weight of all the responsibility!

As for the squeaky student - one day she's going to discover that being young and cute no longer works for her... It's going to be a shock to the system! X

edna million ermentrude ⋅ December 09, 2015

Ha- exactly what I was thinking about the student. She was quite cute and I think that's what she's been using to get by. Cute and bubbly. Good luck with that, kid! I'm glad I was more introverted and average-looking. I never was able to get by with looks and personality, so learned how to use my wits instead. Which works much better at my current age.

Deleted user December 11, 2015

I love my 6 plus I phone but it actually doesn't work as a phone very well. It's great as a tablet :-)

edna million Deleted user ⋅ December 11, 2015

I HATE talking on the phone, so I'm fine with it not being much of a phone. So far the 6 is ok for calls, and ok is good enough for me.

Deleted user edna million ⋅ December 11, 2015

It's weird... People call me and I can hear them fine but they can't hear me . It does it often so I mostly just text. I hate talking on the phone anyway ...

Deleted user edna million ⋅ December 11, 2015

So we are alike in not liking to talk in the phone !

Marg Deleted user ⋅ December 29, 2015

Add me to that list as well! :)

Deleted user Marg ⋅ January 09, 2016

Glad I am in good company !

Marg Deleted user ⋅ January 12, 2016


Deleted user December 11, 2015

Amazing about these college students now. When I was in school I don't remember being able to appeal grades or credits no matter what . Even when advisors gave you incorrect information :-(

edna million Deleted user ⋅ December 11, 2015

I know, me either! You basically had to suck it up, whatever grade you got. It's good that there are more options for truly unfair situations, but at the same time it's gone WAY overboard. Every situation is someone else's fault now, and we're supposed to fix it. We do have a program now that lets students see exactly where all their courses are being used and what they're still missing. We started using it several years ago and it's finally getting to the point where students and advisors are a little more on top of things. And puts more responsibility on the student where it needs to be.

Marg December 12, 2015

Jeeze I would have sawn her head off by now!

And OMG I'd TOTALLY forgotten what it was like to text without a keyboard - how did we ever have the PATIENCE??! It took me a while to get excited about my first smartphone (5C as well) but now ..... Well I almost lost it one day on holiday when we were on a bus tour and I actually felt physically sick at the thought! Addicted much.

edna million Marg ⋅ December 14, 2015

I was actually thinking back to my first trip to England, when I was trying to text you on the phone we had with us -- it was that same awful "hit-the-same-button-over-and-over-oh no!-you passed it!!-start-all-over.." it took half the night to send one text! Way back then I'd done very little texting.

It's really funny about the smart phone - I am kind of at a loss to explain to M. how great it is! and how fun apps are! and how handy!! and there isn't anything that I really could NOT live without... but..... now I can't live without it. I'd have a heart attack if I lost it. It's also this kind of vital connection to life?? And sanity???? when I spend long periods of time at my dad's or my MIL's.

Marg edna million ⋅ December 15, 2015

I know - it's weird isn't it? Ian (my brother) is trying to persuade Margaret, his wife, to get a smartphone and keeps asking me what are the benefits and I just CAN'T THINK! Also he wants her to upgrade her notebook to an iPad (actually I'm making him sound really controlling and he's not at all - it's just she's been speaking about it for like a year now) and keeps asking me what I use my iPad for. And I DON'T KNOW! I just know I'd fight you if you tried to take it off me. It's mad.

And God yes when I was staying up at Mum's in the periods when she was in hospital for days at a time it was a lifesaver without a doubt!

edna million Marg ⋅ December 23, 2015

I've just found a REALLY good (and totally creepy) way to use the phones- I can track Mark wherever he goes! That sounds very disturbing but he's actually quite pleased because now when he goes off on his crazy no-trails-plow-through-the-woods hikes, if he slips on a rock and breaks his legs so doesn't come home, I can use Find My Phone and find HIS phone by signing in as him. Even if he didn't carry it I could at least see where he parked. And if I don't show up after being gone all day, he can sign in my account and find me too. Good thing he apparently doesn't mind me knowing where he went. I did tell him it doesn't work if you turn your phone off, so turn the phone off if you want to keep your location a secret.... and then I'll be saying, "WHY DID YOU HAVE YOUR PHONE OFF, WHERE WERE YOU??!!??"

Marg edna million ⋅ December 29, 2015

Haha! What a brilliant idea though - I didn't know you could do that. There's probably a gazillion things my phone can do that I've no idea about at this point in time!

edna million Marg ⋅ December 14, 2015

OH and now I've bumped my phone memory up and restored a bunch of apps I'd deleted to save space, and I can't quit playing with them. Last night I spent ages playing with London Tube apps. I am not in London and won't be for quite some time, sadly, and yet I am playing with Tube apps. Addiction!!!

Marg edna million ⋅ December 15, 2015


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