Whinge whinge, moan moan in Hello.

  • Nov. 27, 2015, 3:34 a.m.
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It’s hard, the restrictive eating thing. I tracked my food yesterday and found I’d consumed just over 800 calories. I’ve lost 4lb this week. While I could do with losing a few (about 50lb to be no longer classed as overweight) I do wonder if I can continue at this rate. I know I’m ok with food as long as it’s not too fatty, but any fruit or veg with a membrane or a skin has my stomach creeping up my oesophagus. So no legumes, oranges. Same for anything slightly acidic. I don’t want apples or berries. Bananas I find I’m ok with, I had one for breakfast yesterday. Lunch was the weight watchers risotto again (it has a handful of peas in it, which hurts a bit, but it’s the most tasty meal I can handle right now!) Nothing too “claggy”, I’ve come to realise that the pain I feel when I get mashed potato or white bread stuck in my throat (I’ve always had problems swallowing them) is identical to the pain I feel when I eat something I shouldn’t, so I’m beginning to wonder if they’re related somehow. Tea last night was a tin of seafood chowder. I tried to up my calorie intake with veg juice and coconut water. I also had a couple of Wethers Originals, which seem to be ok as long as a suck them as opposed to crunch. Same for malted milk biscuits (I had two.)
Cold water hurts, so I’ve been drinking it hot or tepid.
I appreciate this is a boring entry, but I thought I’d write it for my own future reference. Heads up: if you find you get pains in your stomach after eating certain foods/a lot! I urge you to go to your doctor’s to get it checked out. As I rule I don’t go to the doctors very often (my doctor actually looked surprised that I hadn’t been in 6 years, not since I bruised the bone in my arm! why would I go unless I needed to?) Anyway, I thought that these pains warranted a trip, I’m no hypochondriac by any stretch of the imagination!

Seacláid November 27, 2015

I urge you to get a referral to a dietitian, doctors are shit at gastro issues!

Babe In Toyland Seacláid ⋅ November 27, 2015

I'm going back to the doc in a month to rule out gastritis. I might ask for a referral if I'm not better by then.

Seacláid Babe In Toyland ⋅ November 27, 2015

Also, speech and language therapy if it's more of a swallowing issue.

Seacláid Babe In Toyland ⋅ November 27, 2015

I forgot you've got medication, I hope it calms your stomach down enough to eat normally soon.

Bomb Shell November 27, 2015

Wow this sounds awful, you should keep a track of these and show it to your doctor, might be able to help with a proper diagnosis. I sometimes get bread stuck in my throat too, it's horrible and I feel it going all the way down.

I can't believe it's six years since you fell and hurt your arm! Didn't realise mam and dad had the apartment that long, but thinking about it, I was still with Pete (only just) the first time I went in November 2008!

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ November 27, 2015

6 years in May! I was still living in Ashton...Oh, no, it's 5 years ago, shortly before I moved back here.

Lucretia December 03, 2015

As someone who can't eat half the foods on the planet I feel your pain :(
I'm not sure what you can/can't eat but for healthy added calories try adding oils to your food, avocados, quinoa, chia pudding, nut butters. I hope it all gets fixed soon x

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