A Few Things in meh...
- Nov. 24, 2015, 2:36 p.m.
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I’m not strong. I just push ahead because I have no choice.
After I whine about stuff, I sit back and think for a minute what was it all for?
I use to subscribe to the “Everything happens for a reason” clause, but sometimes, things just happen. They happen unexpectedly and they happen at absolutely the worst time imaginable. That’s when I start whining.
Then I’m made to look foolish because something will come around to have worked out for my good.
Worried about groceries and how I’m going to get my car fixed. Thinking about all the meals I’m about to scrape together until Thanksgiving and until I get paid again. My loan refund deposits a couple of grand on my account. I’m using part of it, the other part I’m keeping to pay off my student loan when that comes around.
I was talking to the office repreresentitive at school. This was the lady that fought for me to get in. I thank God for her. She told me one other day that she uses me as an example when speaking to prospective students. She is so wonderful and helpful. I sat in her office so that I could be registered for school next semester. She did this for me because the advisor was gone for the day. She asked me something about my car and I told her that it was kaput for the moment. She said, “I know someone who is giving a car away. Give me your contact information.” I about lost my mind but I’m not counting chickens before they hatch, you know.
Everytime I try to do good, keep my nose clean, and try not to be mean to anyone, say hateful stuff, things happen. I have to remember my aunt telling me, the adversary comes for those who try to do right. Anyone who is a believer will tell you the trials and tests come. I, again, feel stupid, when after my lamentations are in the universe, something happens in my favor. Does this mean I don’t trust in God? Nah. I am human. I get upset when things go wrong. Then I settle down (after wallowing like I did this weekend) and do what needs to be done and try to learn to lean on Him more.
With that being said, I think my friend, my zodiac sister, my kindred spirit, my TWIN will be in town soon. I hope I get to see her even if it is to go to the spot on the corner to sip a little and eat A LOT!
Well, let me knock out the rest of this day.
Everyone be blessed.
If I’m not back here tomorrow, Happy Thanksgiving.
Kindest regards,
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