Dec.16 in --

  • Dec. 16, 2013, 8:10 p.m.
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We went to Jacob's work Christmas party on Saturday night. It was hosted by one of his co-workers who is retiring at the end of this month. I observed her classroom and I can tell she's getting pretty burnt out, so it's a good thing that she's retiring. The kids at that school are definitely a handful, but I enjoyed my time there when I observed, as crazy as they got to be sometimes.

Anyway, teacher parties are loud and there is always alcohol. I wasn't drinking, obviously, but everyone else certainly was. Jacob bought a $70 bottle of whiskey to bring. I can't fathom spending that much money on a bottle of whiskey! I'm not a drinker at all, so I guess I don't understand it.

I felt a little awkward at the party because I am a quiet person and I'm not good at socializing. I mostly just ate food. :P I ended up with a bath/lotion gift set from the white elephant exchange that I gave to my sister. Jacob ended up with lottery tickets. None of them were winners.

I am done with Christmas shopping for the most part. I need to get a couple more things, and then I will be officially done. I went to the mall to look for something for my twin, but it was sold out at both of the Sephoras I went to. Then I went to the Ulta near my house, and they had TONS of them. I was super happy! I think I'm more excited to give her this gift than she is to get it. Ha! I absolutely LOVE to give presents at Christmas, and I definitely went overboard shopping this year, but I think everyone will love their gifts.

We still haven't had pictures done. I wanted pictures done of Cannon, but life gets busy and we just haven't done it... we never even got one-year pictures of him, or professional newborn ones. Granted, I take pictures almost everyday of his life, so there are plenty of pictures of him, just not professional ones. It really makes me feel like a terrible parent.

We tried doing Santa pictures, but Cannon was having none of that. We walked up to Santa, yelled, and then ran away. hahahah! He loves Santa from afar, but he doesn't want to be near him. :) At the mall yesterday we were watching Santa and he kept waving and saying "hi!" He's so cute.

Jacob wants to go out on New Year's Eve because I've never gone out on that night, and he wants us to have fun. His parents are coming down to watch Cannon and stay the night with him. We are getting a hotel. I'm extremely nervous about it. He's never been away from us overnight, and he still nurses quite a bit at night. He fell asleep for my sister when she babysat him on Saturday... and he was really happy with her and he's always happy with Jacob's parents, so I'm sure I'm freaking out over nothing. But at least we won't be far away if we have to come back soon.

I'm excited, i've never gone out on New Year's Eve before! I can't drink or anything, but it should still be fun, right?

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