A Bit Irritated in 2015

  • Nov. 18, 2015, 11:57 a.m.
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I called the mortgage company to see if I could extend to the rear of my payment or modify the payment like having me pay a little more on a few payments after the first of the year giving me time to hopefully hear from my or Shawn’s disability or SSI. This one gave me a modification option to modify by refinancing as I’d paid over half of my original loan amount and am now just paying principal and refinancing for 30 more years. They are nuts!!!!!!!!!!!! I won’t see another 30 years if I see 70 with my health issues I’ll call myself lucky to see the grands grown and anything over would be a blessing but to the ripe age of close to 90 I don’t think so. They are having a finance agent call me on Friday but I don’t think they will give me anymore options. I’m beyond ticked..

I asked Shawn while he was doing the dishes if he would take the kitchen curtains down so they could be washed although I don’t want to hear it Christmas is just around the corner and if nothing else the kids will get a tree up and house decorated. He did as I’d asked I popped the in the washer. I was cleaning the kitchen I did the window and door and then picked up the kitchen and was sweeping up. I asked CJ to switch the laundry twice nothing done, I told both her and Heather to not leave any dirty dishes in the sink that they could simply was the one or two items they had. I got up to wash my bowl I had some left over broccoli with a bit of cheese and proclaimed it lunch. I found in the sink dirty dishes after my saying please wash your dishes. It just really plucks my nerve a lot. I mean it would take a bit off of me and if they each pitched in no one would have so much to do. Their generation is so lazy......

middle age pearl November 18, 2015

crystal butterfly November 19, 2015

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