done in --

  • Dec. 12, 2013, 8:39 p.m.
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  • Public

I just had my last class of this semester! I'm so happy that I can now have more time to make the house look a little better (now, mustering up the energy for that is an entirely different beast). I don't have to stay up late doing homework until January. Hooray!

I figured out that I only have like 2.5 semesters left until I start student teaching... I am TERRIFIED. But I am taking some time off from school since the baby will be born in July. I didn't take any time off with Cannon and I did okay, but I don't think I will be able to do well with two kids. I don't know if I'm taking a semester off or a whole year yet, we'll have to see. So instead of a year and a half left, I probably have like 2.5 years left. I'll be about 26 when I graduate. And then onwards to my master's, which is the real thing I want to do with my life (library science).

I'm almost done with all of the seasons of The Amazing Race on Hulu... :( My life goal is to get on that show. I AM APPLYING! When my kids are way older, of course! :)

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