An entry and NOMOJO-8 in Day to day life from a woman that turned 60 in Oct 2014 and who lives on a farm and Retired on January 2, 2016. I plan to do more sewing, work outside in the yard and just enjoy my retirement.

  • Nov. 8, 2015, 6:34 p.m.
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The NOMOJO #8 is below this entry.

Been up and going for about 3 1/2 hrs. Not much accomplished actually but I keep trying. Made my niece a different changing pad/mattress pad than my original one. Didn’t like it and the waterproof iron on vinyl started peeling. Not planning on using it except maybe on the inside of something like a bib or a small changing pad. Was going to peel the stuff off, but that was more complicated and tedious so I just cut around the seams to take apart the layers. *sigh I then decided to use heavier iron on vinyl to put in the middle instead of the outside. Then a piece of adhesive batting. Catch is I never remember which side will actually stick to the fabric when iron is applied. Of course it adhered to the wrong piece of fabric, but never fear, I just ended up quilting it to the correct fabric. It is thicker than most changing pads as it has a double quilted piece on both sides with a vinyl center. It is a double quilted waterproof mattress pad. Won’t be doing that often as it took more time than I like to spend on a changing pad. Lesson learned. Probably not, but I hope so.

It is now 10:14 and I’ve got the two sets of bathroom throw rugs in the washer, taken my shower, clipped my toenails, made a flannel duster to put on the end of handle of the used to be dust mop. The dust mop part broke off but I just knew I could use the long handle for something useful and trying to make a long handled duster was on my mind. Did some internet searching and found a how to for a small hand held swiffer duster washable replacement. That handle didn’t have the two prongs at the end so I came up with another idea and used some stick on velcro to keep the bundle of cut flannel and __ strips from pulling off. It worked really better than expected and was even useful for the ceiling fans without my ladder. That is worth a lot right there. Dusted walls, corners, and all of the main rooms and the guest bedroom too. Haven’t done J’s room or the utility rooms but will soon.

I’m trying to get started on the house cleaning for Thanksgiving activities. Send a FB message to the relatives, with instructions THIS year to bring a side dish enough to feed all that respond. I am not taking the 3 days off before Thanksgiving this year so I need some help. They are willing but normally I don’t need their dishes. This year, if they are still willing I will do the fill ins if time. I told them all that I would cook the turkey and dressing, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and make the cranberry salad. I’ll see who responds and how many and go from there. Dude and his family go to Dudette’s grandmas this year for Thanksgiving, but I expect all of my sister’s step kids and their families to be here. I made the decision last year when I was freaking out about having enough room and my house being ready, that I would not do that ever again. I’m going to use the garage this year for tables and all my family are welcome. My brother and his family didn’t come last year because of how stressed I was and of course dad had been in the hospital right before Thanksgiving so I was feeling panic. Don’t care this year if the house is cleaned or not my family is invited and if the step family comes that fine too. Love them all, but blood is blood.

I will put the main bathroom throw rugs away until the night before Thanksgiving. J and I rarely use that bathroom anyway and if the kids come and they do, no harm done.

Dude and family are coming down this afternoon. #1 He intends to take his girls squirrel hunting and #2 the Electric Co have job openings announced so he is going to fill out the application he asked me to print out. I did and it was 11 pages and the job description was 5 pages. Geeze. He and Dudette are praying about it so he’s fine and hopeful as it would only take him 5 min to get to the main office. Then from their in a company truck to work and do whatever needed. Asking for prayer for what needs to happen for him happens.

Dude and family were here and now gone. They got 2 squirrels and they are in the freezer. Need more than 2 for a family of 5. DIL brought a roast down that she had cooked yesterday in the slow cooker but they ended up not eating at home. It is called a Mississippi Mud Roast and it was very good. I put the pork in my crock pot but it would’t have gotten dome until around 8 so good thing she brought her roast. We peeled potatoes and I fxed some corn to go with it. Yum! Guess J and I will have the BBQ pork later. I have it unplugged now and will put om the fridge before going to bed and turn it on low again in the AM. I have a meeting tomorrow night but plan on a sampling anyway tomorrow evening. Will probably put most of it in the freezer for a later time.
The big kids did some target practicing as I guess Dudette is going deer season this year. Ah well they will be here during the mid part of the day so I will buy stuff to eat for lunch and may use the pork next weekend.

​ Day Eight: What’s the best memory you have before age 15? –
Riding my Appaloosa mare, Pat, all over the farm and farther. Ahh those were the days.

Last updated November 08, 2015

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