Ouchie in Stuff
- Oct. 31, 2015, 9:53 a.m.
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One more shift to go, then I’m outta there! Well, for five weeks :D
I realized today that I haven’t given myself a proper holiday in at least five years. The most I’ve had off in that time is probably one straight week out of each entire year, and that was mostly for Mardi Gras. I did have three months off when I was unemployed between this job and my previous, but obviously I couldn’t do much without an income of any kind. I wasn’t even on government benefits. The only time I was on that was during my full-time study and even that was only three months, whilst working nights.
So this will be nice. What is the saying? - “No leave, no life”? So true. For most of us I suppose. I don’t see the majority of people striking it lucky in life with a lotto win or a generous relative who decides to cark it and leave us to inherit a small or large fortune :P
Vish is always joking with me about that - how I’m actually rich because he’s sure my parents are loaded after the sale of the family farm. In reality, I still have no idea how much it sold for last year. I can only assume a fair bit. More curious than anything. I know I won’t ever see any of it. I’m the gay son my father desperately tries to hide from his peers ever finding out. I find that immensely amusing haha.
I think I’m as prepared as I can be for my first trip overseas. Between the research and travel tips and airport tips and advice from friends and my landlord living in London and my mum worrying about me travelling by myself in a foreign land haha. Mum will have relayed the info to my dad, as she can’t help herself. I’d prefer him to not know any details about my life, since he chooses not to on his own accord. Unfortunately my parents are a packaged-deal.
I confirmed with Moe about the detail of his London accommodation. I wanted to make sure his hotel wouldn’t have an issue with me staying with him, as it’s only a single room. After a bit of snooping, I soon found out that it is limited to one-person in the room. I had to actually click on ‘book’ to find that out, as it wasn’t listed anywhere like it would be on Aussie hotel sites. Moe thinks he could just sneak me in, but I’m more skeptical, given that it’s a 24-hour reception. If it wasn’t, I’d risk it.
Because I don’t want to be potentially stuck out on the street in 0-degree overnight London temperatures, I arranged a back-up plan just in case that happens. I looked for a decently-priced place nearby where Moe is, and I found one 6 minutes walk away.
In the meantime, Moe is looking to see if he can upgrade his accommodation to a twin, because they would be cheaper than booking another room altogether. Either way, I’m covered. Phew. Just as well I checked up on that.
The room he is in is also only 6 square meters. Given that both of us are nearly 2 meters tall, plus luggage, I reckon that’ll be a hell of a tight fit LOL. Christ London, certainly making use of your space.
Of course, I also read reviews of the place. The worst thing about reviews is that people just looooooove to bitch. The minute something goes wrong, they’ll let the world know about it. So reading that didn’t help too much.
Either way, I’m still looking forward to whatever happens.
I am able to cancel my booking for free up until November 6th, so I’m sure I’ll find out if he’s managed to upgrade the room before then. If not, I’m not out that much of pocket anyway.
Of course, in true Matt-fashion, I managed to injure myself at work today. I was chatting to Div when the rollcage I had yet to work rolled toward me and collided with the back of my heel. FUCK it hurt. I was so worried it’d potentially torn something.
After escaping to the locker-room, I peeled back my sock to see that a gash had been taken out of the back of the top of my ankle, but I think I’m mostly okay.
That travel insurance may have had to be have been used before I’ve even left the country :D
I just have a band-aid on it. I just hope it stops being sore soon.
magicstar ⋅ November 01, 2015
I'm suddenly having flashbacks of the hostel I stayed in in London. My first day there there was this Australian guy in the bunk next to mine who seemed to always be lounging on his bed shirtless.
KissOfLife! magicstar ⋅ November 02, 2015
Haha, I can only hope :P