T-minus 1 week! / Am I insane? in Stuff
- Oct. 27, 2015, 6:39 a.m.
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So exciting to think that this time next week I will be on my first long-haul flight. Actually, I will probably still be in Hong Kong Airport to be precise, or probably even on the second-leg of my journey. AHHHHH.
Yes I know I’m still going on about it. This is a big deal to me. I still can’t even believe I’m finally taking this plunge.
All I’ve done on my days off is more research. I found this really handy book series that has been published online that explains everything from packing for Europe to European fashion.
The fashion part has been really eye-opening. It’s based on this bloke’s experience of over 40 years of living in and travelling overseas. He’s an American guy, so it’s written from their perspective, so there’s a whole section on understanding the Metric system, which I don’t need to worry about because we use Metric here anyway.
But yeah, the fashion part is really cool - just his views on how most European people dress etc and how they seem to really respect what you are wearing.
He posted a photo of a group of Americans at a famous Italian landmark and one bloke was wearing like tennis shoes and some blue thing and he slammed him. It was hilarious.
So pretty much, the point is to not rock up there looking like, how he puts it, a redneck. Which would pretty much be our version of a bogan haha. So no thongs (flip-flops) or sneakers or board shorts. He suggests black slip-ons or boots and he says that probably less than 5% of people were wearing jeans (he suggests slacks).
That was surprising. I guess this guy who’s written this is in his 50’s or 60’s, but he seems pretty clued on and it’s been great to read all the tips. I’m naturally a bogan anyway, being from a country Queensland upbringing.
Scarves are a big thing there. That was handy to read. I don’t have a scarf, as it’s barely needed where I live.
In fact, the last few weeks have been so hot during the day. I am definitely in for a shock when I arrive I think. Andrew tells me that the maximum temperature over there has been 12 degrees and overcast, all the time. Haha. I am heading to that from 30+ degree temperatures and will probably be coming home to late 30+’s or even early 40’s. 40’s are usually more toward Christmas here though, but I think the last few years it’s been getting hotter earlier. So I’m in for a shock there and a shock back I think.
I got down my big suitcase from the loft area in the garage. I forgot how huge the fucking thing is. It’s huge! It still has my old address on it from when I lived in Stafford Heights, so it goes to show how long it’s been since I went anywhere. And I’m pretty sure that was only from my trip to Perth.
let alone London.
I decided it’s wayyy too big. I’m thinking practical, especially after reading that guy’s website. He says most Americans take way too much stuff when they really don’t need to. When you’re travelling, you can wear a lot of the same clothes over and over. The same people aren’t going to see you day in and day out. The only places I am anywhere for more than a few days is in London, Amsterdam and in Paris. I also don’t want to lug around that massive-arse suitcase I got down from the garage. It’s not practical. It probably won’t even fit on the various trains I’ll be catching. In fact, I know it won’t.
If I was simply heading to London and staying in a nice hotel for a few weeks, then a big suitcase would be practical because I could leave it there whilst I explore.
But I’m not. I’ll be on trains, maybe buses, and in hostels most of the time. Hostels won’t have room for a suitcase that huge. It’d have to sit outside lockers, unsecured.
So today’s mission was to go out and find the right-sized carry-on baggage.
I now have this crazy idea to only bring a carry-on bag for my trip there, but use my allocated baggage allowance to bring a big bag back, full of stuff from there.
That way, I don’t have to worry about my bag being potentially misplaced on the trip there, shrink-wrapping, searching for my bag on arrival, having to lug a huge bag around Europe or having to find somewhere to stow that gigantic bag whilst I travel around local cities/towns, probably up and down hills and stairs etc.
I found a good bag, after a bit of searching. The bag itself weighs 3kg, and the carry-on allowance is only 7kg, so the problem I have is can I survive four weeks in Europe with only 4kg of carry-on clothing? I mean, it will be more than that when I get there obviously, as I’ll need clothes to suit the culture, and how heavy my bag is once I’m there won’t matter.
Am I absolutely insane thinking this?
I can just wash every three/four days or so wherever I stay or in Laundromats etc, right? Haha, maybe I’m going crazy with my excitement and all. A week out and I’m wanting to forfeit my 23kg baggage allowance (on the way there) for practical reasons.
It just seems to make sense. I will have my bag on me at all times, I will get out of customs faster, it’s small and compact enough for both the plane and the trains/buses etc. I will barely be taking many clothes anyway, since Australian clothes are basically useless in the European cool weather, and I intend to be buying more when I arrive anyway, you know, so I don’t freeze to death.
If I brought this massive big bag, it wouldn’t have much in it anyway, but I suppose I could give it to Andrew to stow at his place, but he is about three hours out of London, so that’s probably not good either. He did say I could stay there if I needed to do washing or free accommodation etc. I guess it all depends how well my finances are after Paris. The others I am staying there with probably have unlimited budgets to work with, which is probably the absolute worst thing about travelling with friends.
I’m quite looking forward to doing my own thing. Things may change, but I’m excited about almost two weeks of fending for myself in a foreign land.
Now that I have the suitcase I want, I just need to get the accessories. I was going to get them today but the place I got the suitcase had very little of anything else, but the first place I looked at had good accessories but really shit suitcases. Typical. And I’ve been paid now so it’s probably good I waited.
Work has asked me to work tomorrow. I really don’t want to. Tomorrow is the last day I have off work before I leave, except for next Monday, but I know I will be freaking the fuck out then, as I leave very early Tuesday morning. Monday will be double-checking I have everything and that I haven’t left my passport on my bed as I walk out the front door on a new adventure. Stupid me would do something like that too.
Less than a week to go!!!
Last updated October 27, 2015
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