Underrepresentation in Chunky giblets

  • Oct. 20, 2015, 11:54 p.m.
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WARNING You will be butthurt by this entry. Needless to say, go fuck yourself. I haven’t got time to wipe your asses for you. If you’re oen of those pink-haired SJW fucktards, cry somewhere the fuck else, because I simply do not give a shit. This is satire, and I apologise for nothing, you numb cunt.

Underrepresentation is a made up “atrocity” invented by butthurt liberals. Terms related to “underrepresentation” include “invisible minority” and “diversity crisis.”
Crying about underrepresentation is mainly an SJW disease, but anyone can catch it. Underrepresentation is a fancy word for “inequality” (aka difference), based on the realization that different things are not equal (but they “should be” because equalityyyy). It grows out of a warped sense of “fairness” or “justice” that metastasizes into totalitarianism. Being “underrepresented” is like being “undernourished” but instead of your body starving for food, your ego is starving for attention. The only thing that can die from “underrepresentation” is your unwarranted self-importance.
Bitching about being “underrepresented” is the leading cause of black Human Torches, female Thors and muslim Captain Marvels.

So just what the fuck is this?

Underrepresentation is the bullshit idea that every person in the media (or in any position of power, or any position really) should be a perfect amalgam of seven billion humans. Or if that’s not possible, that every media item should be a perfect statistical sample of a viewing demographic (like BET). Because role models or some shit? The entire media bending over is much simpler than just staring in the mirror if you want to see someone who looks like you.

Whining about underrepresentation is a result of pounding “tolerance” and “equality” and “diversity” and “multiculturalism” into gullible children’s heads, and it leads to an irreversible victim complex. Anyone is a potential victim of “underrepresentation” since each person happens only once (as opposed to production where consumer goods and digital media can be repeated ad nauseam). Of course, only privileged minority groups get to baww about it.
The underlying assumption is this: if we are all the same and if everyone is equal (which liberals have brainwashed kids into thinking), then why do different people behave in different ways and pursue different goals in life, and why do some people seem better at certain things than others? The SJW answer is, of course, systematic institutionalized oppression, not any variation between individuals, genes, diet, microbes, physical activity, environment, climate, education, practice, training, culture, media exposure, stimuli, experience, or how many hours a day you sit on your ass.

Some argue groups can either be a) overrepresented, b) represented, c) underrepresented, or d) non-represented.
SJWs and feminists will say that white hetero male cis scum shitlords are overrepresented, while every other demographic is underrepresented. What would perfect representation look like to an SJW? The question of perfect proportions is hampered due to feminists thinking women are beautiful at any size. Also, women always blow everything out of proportion (like their hips and pregnant bellies). But here’s the retarded logic in all this:

Underrepresentation is the basis of the idea of equality of outcomes.
In theory, SJWs believe that if 50% of the population is female, then:
50% of people in charge should be female
50% of inventions should be invented by females
50% of strippers should be females
50% of nurses should be females
50% of military grunts should be females
Of course, no SJW truly believes this, since they’re only concerned with playing the victim to acquire power and privilege and prey on others’ sympathy.
SJWs believe that if 10% of the population is black, then:
10% of people on TV should be black
10% of politicians should be black
10% of models should be black
10% of CEOs should be black
10% of sushi chefs should be black
10% of fictional characters should be black
10% of presidents should be black
10% of Nobel Prize winners should be black
10% of basketball players should be black
10% of prisoners should be black
10% of rapes should be committed by blacks
However, if all media was perfectly representational due to affirmative action and imposed equality, it would validate every stereotype due to sheer majorities (most blacks can’t swim, most women are sociopaths, etc). On the other hand, at least it would solve the problem of our Jew-swamped media and government (2%), and fags and Chicks with Dicks (4%) would become properly invisible. As they should be.

Bitching about underrepresentation takes many forms: “Why can’t I vote as a slave living in ancient Greece?” “No taxation without representation” “Why do slaves only count as 3/5ths of a person?” “Why can’t women vote?” “Why can’t I get a job in Hollywood if I don’t know any Jews or Scientologists?” “Growing up I never saw people like me on TV.” “All these professional models in this magazine who do this for a living aren’t as fat as me.”
Anything Anita Sarkeesian says. “Wikipedia has too many article about shit I don’t like and not enough articles about shit nobody cares about.” “There aren’t enough female CEOs.” “There aren’t enough atheist politicians.” “Why does the media only report on missing white girls?” “Where is the white outrage when a black faggot shoots two honkies on live TV?” “Shouldn’t women also have the right to commit war crimes in the military?” “Why is a black man living in the White House?” “Where are all the female late night talk show hosts?” “Why do bathrooms only have male or female symbols?” “Where are all the females working on oil rigs?” “TV could really use more ethnic sitcoms.” “I, as a woman with a smartphone who has the right to vote, am more oppressed than Native Americans ever were.”
Diversity emojis (which ironically lead to more racism)

Underrepresentation is a modern day Holocaust according to SJWs, liberals, and other delicate flowers. To be “underrepresented” is the worst crime ever according to SJWs, and it is the basis of all their whining and moaning.
Claiming someone is “underrepresented” basically just means that minorities exist. Liberals refuse to believe that different people may have different strengths or weaknesses (like Sherpas who can breathe in the Himalayas without oxygen tanks, or Kenyan long distance runners).
Liberals believe that underrepresentation can be solved with affirmative action for fucking everything, where someone is given something solely because they are in the minority. It is basically an effort to “redress grievances” and try to fix the past by artificially fucking up the present like electing a president based on skin color or ovaries.
Complaining about underrepresentation is an outgrowth of representative democracy, where people are conditioned to vote for others to represent them and their interests, as if it was still the fucking Iron Age and people had to travel by horseback and the Interwebs did not exist. It is also a result of humans looking to other people to do shit (so they’ll have a scapegoat to blame when shit goes south).

Whining about underrepresentation is caused by deep prejudice, where an SJW wants to see and be surrounded by others just like them, otherwise they’d have to be tolerant of different people. Naturally, the SJW solution is affirmative action. Affirmative action is the inversion of Martin Luther King Jr’s quote about judging people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Fuck character. What’s important is selecting people based on minority traits instead of actions. If you can’t tell, “underrepresentation” was invented by women, who always value appearances over actions.
SJWs fail to understand that the only truly free speech is anonymous speech, while they complain about being stalked on social media. They spend all their time focusing on the “identity” of the speaker and not whether their actual words make any sense or are fucking retarded. This leads to hilarious things like a white male poet being rejected 40 times from poetry anthologies, until he submitted his poem under an Asian pseudonym.

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