Another stolen survery in Chunky giblets

  • Oct. 16, 2015, 12:04 p.m.
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  • Public

Because fuck you, I’m Deadpool.

What part of pop culture do you wish would just go away?
Just about all of it, but definitely the SJW movement. Stop dying your hair smurf-shit blue, stop telling me what I can and can’t say, and try actually doing something that helps socially; feed the homeless, clothe the poor, clean up your neighbourhoods. This would be acting in a socially just manner, but nope, you’d rather bitch about how transsexuals are treated and looking for racism where it doesn’t exist. This needs to stop now.

What is your favorite salty snack?
My penis.

What song do you love to dance to?

What was your most embarrassing hair style?
That horrific nineties curtains thing I had when I was 12. Looked like this.
alt text

If you could have a drink with someone from history who would it be?
Hitler. I’d poison it.

What is the furthest west you have traveled?
Been all around the world, so it’s hard to pinpoint. Technically, England, since I’m from Ireland.

What is the funniest thing you have heard a child say?
I don’t pay any attention to kids. I put my headphones straight on whenever they enter the room.

What vegetable do you hate?
Donald Trump.

Have you ever been mentioned in the newspaper?
Yeah, when I was convicted of selling weed earlier this year.

If you could live in any other country for 2 years where would you go?
Already spent two years in Japan.

Do you believe in God?
I believe in myself. Closest I’m gonna get.

If you could see 24 hours into the future what would you do with this ability?
Absolutely fuck all. Tomorrow will be the exact same as today.

What is the worst physical pain you have ever been in?
Car accident.

In what way are your parents out of date?
Well, they’ve expired, does that count?

What are you afraid of?
Quite a lot. Nothing specific that I want to mention.

Do you have faith in the next generation? Why?
Absolutely not. I have no faith in this generation or the last generation, either. Take a look around, would ya?

What makes you laugh?
Quite a lot of stuff, intentionally and otherwise.

What exotic pet would you like to have?
T-Rex, nigga.

What are your marketable skills?
I can hate bilingually.

Who taught you to cook?
I did.

What color underwear are you wearing?

What single piece of technology makes your life easier?
Smartphones. I woulsn’t be able to update half as much as I do without one.

What do you miss from your childhood?

What do you do to impress someone you are attracted to?
I exist.

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