so....... in blackpropaganda
- Oct. 15, 2015, 2:37 a.m.
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It was a good evening - nine of us at the Indian restaurant - D and B, the shagging couple, a lesbian couple in their sixties who are permanent residents, another couple who are residents,and an older lady they spelling after at the moment - who is 92, but does not look or act that age! And us.
D is in his late 50s but looks more like late 40s, tanned, spare body, longish straight fair hair - known him for 10 years - and D - petite blonde, feminine, small breasted, great legs, boldface - but a small simpering kind of voice. She relaxed as the evening went on - and there is no doubt she satisfies D’s emotional and sexual needs , which his previous partner did not. In fact he started drinking heavily seems d so have stopped now - no brewer’s droop. B defers to D, and they are still at the stage of needing to touch skin - arms close together etc. I do not doubt they shag lie rabbits ( was there some jealousy there?) - actually I don’t think we would have a lot to say afterwards.
Clearly D wanted to introduce B in a social occasion - and it worked well. We also got a lot of gossip about the block - and the meal was good.
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