What's in a name? in Chunky giblets

  • Oct. 9, 2015, 3:41 p.m.
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WARNING: You’re gonna fucking hate this entry and I don’t care. I am sick of you hipster fucks acting like fucking morons. GROW THE HELL UP. If you’re a twat, and you gave your child a stupid fucking name, you will dislike this entry, so go cry into your fagaccino and shut the Hell up.

What’s in a name? Quite a fucking lot. If you’re spastic enough to name your kid, God help me, Talon, expect me to rip you to shreds for it. If you want to give your kids horrific, retarded bully-magnet names like Blanket, Apple, or fucking Paisley, you’re a terrible parent and you need to have your kids taken from you.

Grow the fuck up. It’s not rocket science. Be responsible parents. Don’t give your kids STUPID Goddamn names. For fuck’s sake. You people need to have a fucking IQ test before you’re allowed to breed. Kill yourselves, you cunts.

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