Small Ripple, Still Pool in Everyday Ramblings
- Oct. 11, 2015, 10:27 a.m.
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When I am out and about I try to be fully present and not off in some story in my head. As most of you are aware who know me here, because I take the bus places I am often a bit early where I am going so I wander.
On Friday afternoon I wandered by this opening in a hedge and glimpsed this older house with this very pleasing weathered paint job. I love the subtle tones and contrasts. I took this shot with my phone.
When I was younger I used to spend pretty much all my time in my head spinning tales to myself and imaginary folks I thought I might encounter or folks I knew that I was preparing to encounter. Now as part of my spiritual practices both yogic and Buddhist I try to bring my attention into the present and become aware of what is occurring in my field of reference.
Right now Diego is sitting on my lap. He is awake and would like me to stop typing and pay attention to him. He has his front legs extended and his front claws attached to the sleeve of the polar tech sweater jacket I am wearing. I am sitting in an odd configuration to accommodate him. My toes are on the floor and my heels are lifted to make my lap an even platform. Carlo rarely sits in my lap. He just passes through it as an attention getting mechanism.
Yesterday I had an active morning. It was gorgeous out, first with the crescent moon hanging out like a boat sailing below bright Venus in the dark and then along the river with that glorious low fall light and the trees starting to turn.
Then after I got home from Weight Watchers and the Farmers Market it started to rain. Lovely steady rain and I basically was so exhausted from the events of the week I couldn’t think straight. I didn’t go out again, not even to get the mail. I took a bath and listened to podcasts and napped with the cats and attempted unsuccessfully to read.
It was like having a vacation day.
I was frustrated because I wanted to work on my poem. (s). But not too frustrated. My life is rich and full and I do what I have with what I have available.
There are some golden beet greens wilting on my kitchen counter that I need to address and the jays are out and about calling for peanuts as we move ever so slowly now towards dawn. I can’t wait for the time change!!!
I know it will get dark earlier but it is dark for so very long in the mornings now. Once again this year we are spending the time change weekend at the beach and so we get that “extra” hour out there. How cool is that?
I am going to church today. Tomorrow I start teaching the formal church sanctioned Adult Ed version of my class in a new room that I am a little nervous about. I will have new students, a few which is good because a number of my regulars are traveling this week. I also don’t have much experience teaching larger classes so that too will be an adventure for me. Keeping everybody safe is the biggest priority.
Last Sunday as S. and I were walking the half marathon, of course we talked (we walked for close to five hours) and one of the things we talked about was what we personally could do that was safe that would help prevent gun violence.
She said this lovely thing about how I may not be able to (in my life directly) work with individuals who feel isolated and marginalized and suffer accordingly and also have access to guns but that I can touch the lives of those who do. Like an outflowing ripple in a still pool by being out there and offering of ourselves in whatever way we can with a clear intention of making a difference we can subtly influence our communities and our world.
Small solace for the grieving families and all the difficulties the wounded experience I know but something, something to hang onto.
We do what we can. And try not to get too attached to the idea that it will never be enough.
Last updated October 12, 2015
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