News in Chunky giblets

Revised: 10/05/2015 5:47 a.m.

  • Oct. 5, 2015, 4:39 a.m.
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  • Public

WEell, now, a lot’s happened over the last few days, to me and to others. Let’s have a look at THE NEWS! But first, a little funny....

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Some maniac decided it would be a cracking good yarn to steal a cop car and then kill a copper by driving over him in it. Now, I could be wrong here, but I suspect the cops are going fucking apeshit over this. They do have a tendency to act with extreme force and aggression when one of their own has been hurt. This guy’s fucked. Just ask Raoul Moat about it. Oh, you can’t, he’s dead.

Entertainment news, and for some fucking reason, Lethal Weapon is gearing up for a TV remake.]( Now, I dig the Lethal Weapon movies, even the kinda God-awful fourth one, but a TV remake. Jesus Wept. Well, it’s being written by the guy who wrote Chuck, which I loved, so maybe it won’t be a complete disaster. Especialyl since Mel and Danny aren’t gonna be in it whatsoever. Time will tell, but… well, we’ll see.

Politics, and the Taxpayers’ Alliance has sparked fury in at least me by stating to the government that they should go ahead and cut pensioner benefits as soon as possible. Fuckers! Haven’t these Tory fuckers taken enough from our sick and largely unfortunate already? Mother fuckers! They truly make me angry. CUNTS. What, you’re not rich enough already you greedy cuntwipes! FUCK YOU!

Grrr. Anyway, where was I… kinda lost my train of thought there.... well, anyway, there ain’t much else that interests me in the news at the moment so let’s move on to me. I’m listening to Power Glove at the moment, a kick-ass-as-fuck 80’s-inspired electronic band from Australia. If yopu have even a slight love for anything 80’s related (I’m seriously obsessed. Fuck this resurgence orf 90’s nostalgia; the 90’s sucked ass.) then you may enjoy this stuff. Here’s a couple of videos:

This next tune is badass. Listen to that fuckin’ bassline!


I haven’t been on in a few days because I spent all of Friday off my ass on MDMA, and Saturday I was drunk as fuck, and Sunday was Sunday and so nothing able to charge my shit up. I’ve also los two of my cables so I can only charge one thing at a time. This means that, of course, phone goes first, followed by portable charger, and if I have time the speaker (but not to worry if I don’t because I should at that point have the portable charger). So yeah, you know, bear with me and all that guff.

Right, well, that’s about it. Catch you all later.

PS If you really don’t dig this music, you suck.


Seriously! Listen! This shit rules!

Last updated October 05, 2015

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