Who Are You? in Dreams And Nightmares

  • Sept. 28, 2015, 9:55 p.m.
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  • Public

Local show, concert, or big music festival, I don’t know. The lights were bright, smoke filled the air, and the music vibrated like an earthquake upon the ground. There we met. There we fell in love. Useless words and meaningless embraces and we were inseparable. Then I met your husband. He doesn’t care, you have that understanding.

We ended back up at that damn apartment building. The other couple, that man and woman who deal drugs that haunt my other dreams, they’re building that doesn’t exist. I was so entranced by your words and your spirit that I wanted you all for myself, even though I knew the next day you’d be out of the country following another tour.

I received some messages from the road from the bands you and your husband followed. Sound recordings and pictures sent, I missed you more and more.

Then I woke up, more alone and confused than ever.

The Guardian September 28, 2015

maybe they will pass your way again sometime in the future...maybe they woke up
feeling the same....RN..........

J.E. The Guardian ⋅ September 28, 2015

I got a pretty good feeling I was dreaming about my friend who went back to Scotland well over a decade ago.

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