Donald Bad Hairpiece Trump Motherfucker in Chunky giblets

  • Oct. 1, 2015, 5:54 a.m.
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I am not amused. This guy needs some serious attitude readjustment therapy.

So, he said if he wins he’s going to send all Syrian refugees back, a complete u-turn on what he said last week.

What a cunt. Seriously, a small-minded petty little villain with the worst hairpiece I have ever seen. No-one is fooled, Trump, so why lie to yourself?

Prick. I seriously hate this guy. A vote for Trump is a vote for Hitler, Americans. Remember that.

All in all, Don…
alt text

And speaking of Deadpool.... he has something he wants to say to you personally, Donald: alt text

Case fucking closed.

Last updated October 01, 2015

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