Weekend Answer time. in The Awesome Chronicles of me.
- Sept. 29, 2015, 12:43 a.m.
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These four things I KNOW ARE TRUE:
1) Weekend was alright.
2) Sports tonight!
3) I have some answers.
4) Week should be okay.
so here we go......
Yeah this weekend wasn’t bad. I watched some neutral football yesterday (and it was terrible. That steeler game was feh. FEH) I played some Final Fantasy, and really didn’t do much outside playing board games and FFXIV and stuff. Nothing big.
Today I got groceries. Woot. I went to chilis, and it was really good. There was a really bad accident near my house and the power was out for like 90 minutes. It was out when I was shopping for said groceries. It was just a bit chaotic and silly.
Tomorrow marks the one year adopting anniversary of my beasties, I heart them greatly. They are so bad and so spoiled. They get cuddles and love and they love boxes and being bad. Hahah.
Now some answers and such :D
What is your favorite color and why?
Well I’ve always liked to wear black (So emo i know) I guess that would be the color i like most, when I play a game i always play white/black or grey (Neutral colors)
Who is one of your real life heroes and why?
Oh wow. My mom is a pretty strong person.. I guess she would be my hero.
If you had to describe yourself in 7 words, which words would you pick?
Quiet, Shy, Awkward, Nerdy, Clumsy, Silly and Nice
If you were a stranger meeting yourself for the first time, what do you think your first impression would be?
Huh. He is strange.
Who is your best friend (or one of them) and how did you two meet?
Honestly, around here, i don’t have anyone i’d call a “best friend” I have a lot of “good friends” But not any i’d call a best friend. Unless you call my kitties my best friends.
If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Um. I’d say I’d want some form of invulnerability.
What’s one thing you really love about yourself and one thing you would like to change?
I’d say i’m unique, thats one thing i love. One thing i’d change is probably my awkwardness.
Did you have an imaginary friend growing up?
No i didn’t :)
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I’d say a policeman.
Do you consider yourself “grown up” now or still in the process?
Always in the process.
Do you tend to know whether you like a person or not quickly or does it take you time to decide?
A little from column a and a little from column B.
What’s your favorite scent?
I like the smell of pizza.
What is something that made you cry (either tears of joy or pain)?
The inner light. The TNG episode where picard has a family. BLAST IT. THE FEELS.
Where do you want to be (figuratively and literally) in ten years?
Honestly it sucks but i have kind of given up on the education thing, and i’m seriously thinking of going back to school (again) for videography or photography. Something with video. That is something i like.
Have you made a decision about Baby Boots? (There are a couple baby boots related questions like this)
Either me or my brother is going to take him. I got to pick him up today and he was a purring boy.
What is your least favorite board game and why?
ROBO RALLY OMG. Robot programming with speed and its just not fun. I can’t do lefts and rights on other things on my own. Its not fun. No no. Ugh.
So now a couple pictures:
This macaroni is so chill
He is also full of energy. Silly cat.
Anyways. Be back on wednesday.
Thus ends our broadcast day.
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