Bit better in Chunky giblets

  • Oct. 1, 2015, 4:39 a.m.
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  • Public

Thanks for the well wishes, guys. I’m doing much better. In fact, I’m in the “coughing up phlegm” stage, which is preferable to the “sneezing and snotting all over every fucking thing” stage.

Nothing else to write about really. I made it back to Somerset, which is great - it really is that backwards around here. I went into a Wetherspoons last night and got a Guinness and I swear it was like the old Wild West movie scenes where the piano stops playing and all you can here are cicadas as the hero walks up to the bar. I half expected to hear banjos and have some meathead go “you ain’t from ‘round here, are ya, boy?” In a fucking Wetherspoons.

Not sure where my next destination will be but I’ve got to get at least four hours charge on my devices, so I’m probably going to spend another night here. Oh fucking joy.

Babe In Toyland October 01, 2015

Well, didn't you know Wetherspoons is renowned for its higher class of customer?
(Fuck that, the one I used to go past on the way to work had tooth donors standing outside at 8.45am.)

Johnny Carcinogen Babe In Toyland ⋅ October 01, 2015

HOW DARE YOU MADAM. I'll have you know that our snaggle-toothed brethren have feelings too.

Babe In Toyland Johnny Carcinogen ⋅ October 01, 2015


Johnny Carcinogen Babe In Toyland ⋅ October 01, 2015

And spotty livers. And hygiene issues. And no dentist.

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