nausea and whatnot in Baby Stuff

  • Dec. 1, 2013, 9:43 p.m.
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  • Public

I am so sick. SO DAMN SICK. I haven't thrown up, but I feel as though I'm on the verge of it all the time. Guess what I've gotten done lately? Absolutely nothing. I'm mostly couch-bound. When I get up, the nausea gets worse.

But you know, I am still extremely grateful to be pregnant. I feel amazingly lucky it happened so fast.

I still have piles of work due all week, and I'm going to be scrambling to get everything done. I have a 15-minute lesson that I'm teaching tomorrow in my Intro to Teaching class, and it's mostly an activity, so that'll take some stress off of me. Heh.

We had a great Thanksgiving. Cannon ate way more than a 15-month old should be able to eat! :)

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