Thirty? What's the Big Deal? in The Past

  • Sept. 8, 2015, 8:19 p.m.
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So, I’m officially 30 and uuhmm… 6 days. After I got over the initial shock, and the sorrow that now on online surveys, I have to bump myself up to the next highest bracket, I decided it’s not all that bad.

I got the 100 sets of buttons finished this weekend. At the crafting day I got 65 sets done. Mom and I started a little early, but that’s okay. I don’t mind. I’m being as smart as I can with these and keeping not only electronic records of all the orders, but also physical copies of all the pictures and the buttons, that way I can just race to the copying place and start the next batch. Which is a good thing, because according to Brandon, the first 88 sets from the batch I just sent out today are already accounted for. Waaay too much fun. :P

I’ve been emailing back and forth with a guy I met on craigslist. Amber calls him my “Craigslist Killer” even though I don’t think he’s really a killer. I have a fascination with reading the personal ads and whatnot, and for the first time in a long, long while, I found someone who I was interested enough in to reply to. We’ve been emailing for two (three?) weeks now, and have exchanged names, proper email addresses (instead of the randomized Craigslist ones) , and pictures. He seems pretty neat.. has a 5 year old boy (who he’s not looking for a mother for, since the kiddo has a mother… really refreshing viewpoint), is 31, finishing up college for engineering, has a 3-D printer that he’s made himself (!) so is uber smart and hands on. He likes Star Wars, Soccer, and Cars. We’ve emailed about 200 emails, and neither of us are really pushing to take it any further, although, after my trip, I’d like to meet up with him, maybe go to the mall or something like kids do.

And the most shocking part of it? Only three emails mentioned anything sexual at all, which is rare as hell these days it seems. And those emails only brushed by the topic because we were talking about Twilight, and then 50 Shades of Grey, and he mentioned that he’s not into bondage because he’s too active to take a passive part. Other than that, it’s just chatting about our days and about everything going on in our lives. I think I could really like him… and really like this idea of taking things slow and just… being friends.

Speaking of friends… Amber, Bob, Mom and I will be hanging out in Seattle starting this Friday… I’m soo excited!

Last updated December 24, 2016

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