I need your advice on my costume :) in Adventures in paradise
- Sept. 23, 2015, 2:57 a.m.
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My costume arrived!
Naturally, the delivery man knocked on the front door at 8am, my front blinds were wide open so you only have to look in to see me asleep in the bed, and I’m sleeping naked, so I had to sneak out of bed, cover myself and find a pair of shorts before opening the door. Fuck putting a shirt on. Ergh, this happens way too often, especially with the amount of stuff my housemate Nick gets delivered here.
Anyway, I signed for my package and one for Nick. I was so glad mine had arrived, so I opened it up and tried it on. I was concerned it may not fit, but it fits easily. Way too loose even, although I did order the one that I thought would be tighter-fitting. Afraid not. So with a little bit of lame self-tailoring before the day arrives, I’m sure I can make it look pretty decent looking. It’ll do anyway. I like the colours, I like the length. Can’t complain too much.
I took some pics to get an idea. I also wanted to text Moe and ask him his opinion on how slutty I’m allowed to look at his birthday party (considering it’s going to be like 90% his family members) so I wanted to ask his permission first before I went out and bought a pair of black short-shorts, which is what I WANT to do with this costume.
Anyway, give me your ideas guys.
It’s not an amazing costume by any means, but hey I like it. I just wanted to stand out a bit from all the other knights/medieval characters at this party, plus, personally, I think it would look better. But, I don’t wanna cause some oldie prude to have a heart-attack by seeing me in Mardi Gras attire at a club function birthday event :P
So here it is. Once again, sorry for my lame phone front-camera.
The lame first pic of the face
Moe wanted to see how short my gym shorts I was wearing looked in the photo, so I went upstairs to the full-length mirror.
I told Moe that I want to wear shorts that are at least HALF that length. He said I could go three-quarters but no more.
Boooo. Hiss. Lame.
I suppose I need to remember that this isn’t some event with a ton of slutty gay guys at it, and will have to keep it conservative.
The outfit comes with boot-coverings with come up to just below my knee, depending how I position them. So I was liking the idea of having that bare skin showing from my knee to my upper leg. It’s not like my ass would be hanging out, as it’d be covered by the hem of the costume. I was looking forward to totally fake-tanning up my legs and looking hawt! Haha.
I barely got the boot-leggings over my huge feet though, but thankfully they fit. I can just wear any shoes with them. There’s also a belt which will tighten up the mid-area a bit and make it look a bit more snazzy.
Moe said that they may not let me into the venue if I’m wearing short-shorts, but asked if I was working today (which I’m not now) and was on his way to the venue to finalize some things, so I asked him to ask them if they have a dress code.
So my options now are, I can hunt around for a pair of shorts slightly shorter than the gym shorts I have on here, or I can be lame as fuck and just wear a pair of black dress-pants and not show any skin at all, to satisfy the older prudes.
It’s not like I know his family, nor give a damn what they think of me. It wouldn’t be any skin off my back. But I wouldn’t want to make my best friend angry by showing up looking like a medieval tramp.
But weren’t they all tramps back in those days? :P
We’re now catching up for a movie later on today, which should be good. Hopefully something good is on. He’s always a good laugh. I might even be able to convince him to come with me to shop around for a pair of short-shorts to go with the costume :P
Last updated September 23, 2015
.:A_Shadows_Exhale:. ⋅ September 23, 2015
Nipple holes.
KissOfLife! .:A_Shadows_Exhale:. ⋅ September 23, 2015
LOL, love it.
AlexYourAlterEgo ⋅ September 23, 2015
The costume is great! I actually think it's going to look better with long pants. I see your comment that you've gone with tights - I think that's perfect! I'd love to see another picture when you're all dressed and ready to go.
~Octopussy~ ⋅ September 23, 2015
Don't go to the party. People who put restrictions annoy me and I would rebel.
kmh. ⋅ September 24, 2015
I like the shorts! But then I see in notes you're going to wear tights, that sounds great too! You'll have to show us pics of the whole outfit when the time comes. Don't rip it open to bare chest!!!