The laughing stock of Australian politics in Political shit
- Sept. 16, 2015, 7:37 a.m.
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Man, have people been blowing up or WHAT on Facebook lately over the latest Prime Minster back-stabbing incident?
You’d think we’d be used to it by now :D
I mean, we’ve only had 4 Prime Ministers in 5 years, only half of which the Australian public voted in. Quite an interesting system our country has going on here.
It’s amusing seeing all the political lefts and rights come out swinging over the last few days. These are the same people who were shooting up drugs and getting defiled in club bathrooms, and suddenly they are using long sophisticated words in comments on people’s posts to emphasize their points as to why they are right and everyone else is wrong.
Meanwhile, there’s me, just sharing every funny meme and video I come across. Here is a sample of my work :P
Ironically, before this leadership spill even happened, I’d posted this earlier in the day…
I joked later on that this was enough to cause our PM to be booted!
Next I shared this.
Then I shared Nate Valvo’s status:
Nath Valvo:
“BREAKING: Gossip Girl was Malcolm Turnbull the entire time.”
and so on…
This became my cover photo.
Live from inside the Liberal party Room
Annnnnd finally,
It really is amusing seeing these bunch of losers trying to run an entire country. I must say however, that it is a massive RELIEF off my shoulders knowing that horrible, horrible predecessor has gone from the top job. I have never known a Prime Minister to offend so many Australian citizens in the almost two years he was in office.
I’ll trust that people will learn next time to not vote for an absolute cunt-stick to run our country.
The current guy, Malcolm, at least seems to have half a brain on his shoulders.
All the outcries are still happening, such as ‘Same shovel, different shit’ and ‘StillALib’ was being hashtagged, but the latest polls now say that 70% of Australians prefer Malcolm Turnbull as our Prime Minister, which is more than double what Tony Abbott was.
So I feel they’ve made a good move. I can’t help but think Labor should overthrow their leader as well though. if Tanya Plibersek was the leader rather than the deputy, I’d be much more inclined.
I’m still a Green voter through and through, though. I had to laugh at their post yesterday.
They’re just letting the major two parties dig themselves a deep hole.
Last updated September 16, 2015
Deleted user ⋅ September 16, 2015
Yes, its good tony abbott is gone. I really can not believe it. I am still am in disbelief over it. Yet the fun is only just getting started...
Scott Morrison for treauser? He's currently the minister of social services - blame himfor trying to introduce 6 month waitingperiods for centrelink allowances - you lose your job you have to wait 6 months for the dole.. he's known for his ruthlessness... and they appoint in charge of social welfare budget and other services???? He scares me this man.
After Julie Bishops F---UPS with Indonesia.... the way she carried on with the bali 9, trying to tell everyone that all australians were accounted for in the earthquakes in nepal - when all she wanted to deal with is kicking up a stink that convicted drug traffickers who refused to accept their sentences for ten years were finally being executed... for pushing the boats back - for building things in Indonesia without their consent - and putting all over our news that it was all done with consultation with the Indonesians - this F---ing woman has just scored the promotion of a lifetime! and look at her F---ing mother and what she did!!
Dont get me started on Turnbull.... Just dont go there... the guy is a sleaze and a con artist - he's sleazy cheshire grin...
I am not pro Abbott.... but I was working in federal government when Gillard came in taking over after Krudd was demoted...
That leadership spill cost this country Billions of dollars - the ministers moving and changing is whole portfolios being changed around - I mean thousands of people in Canberra are moved around...
If you think the upper senate is a joke and what is going is just fun and games, its really really embarrassing. Its NOT A JOKE what is happening to this country.
However, Abbott was not just blocking and doing his own things, there were a lot of politicans not able to do their jobs - and now things are starting to happen - such as the NDIS and other stuff going on.... I think government is going to roll a bit smoother... but i do not respect Turnbull for what he has done and totally shocked that the Liberal party - or someone within the Liberal party did this. I am still in total disbelief...
But I hope we can see some progress in Nauru. I have friends in senior positions over there, and the way they are being treated. I hope that more logic and sense prevails rather than just a man (Turnbull) seizing the opportunit to progress his ow career.
However, I am grateful we do not have Scott Morriso for PM - that would have been the worst thing ever.
I just hope that people - the switched on ones, who want to do the right thing and represent Australia and give these people are voice will do so... but somehow I just dont think we are through the thick of it yet. I am still yet to be convinced.
We will see. Is all I have to say.
KissOfLife! Deleted user ⋅ September 16, 2015
We will see alright!
Deleted user ⋅ September 16, 2015
Just expect more lunatics and Fwits in politics at every level. I dont think its getting better. This is a total shame what is happening to this country. I dont know what to think of what just happened.
KissOfLife! Deleted user ⋅ September 16, 2015
My friend always says to drop them to 60k a year + no benefits and see how they behave.
Deleted user KissOfLife! ⋅ September 20, 2015
Its not just that. They're looking after their political party donars... and its becoming problematic... bit this 250k pension? Seriously?
But when you're gina Rinehart or kerry packer I guess you can afford a bit of political party donations. ..
I do wonder how old matey Malcolm is going to cope without his regular lunches at bondi icebergs.... he's such a creep!