Hold me now, warm my heart in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Jan. 24, 2014, 4:44 a.m.
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As you can see, it has been cold as heck here today. Brrrr. My mother had the gall to complain about their 38ºF weather. I sent her this picture in a text with the message, "So tell me again how cold it is there ... " LOL

Now to give her credit (which is no easy concession for me lol) it usually only gets that cold back home during the night. So for a daytime high, yes that is cold for them. Not that Charleston, SC is tropical or anything, but they only know how to deal with hot and humid. Not cold. Hell, the least little hint of snow and they start shutting down the state in preparations. Actual snow causes panic and incites the stupid people to think they have all of a sudden grown a brain and can drive in the mess. They can't. At all. Hence why I don't drive when we get snow here if I can help it. And if I do, I have panic attacks for hours afterwards. SC doesn't have snow plows. They have dump trucks that dump sand on the bridges.

But now? Now I am just bitchy enough to tell her to suck it up. LOL Come spend a few days here and then complain about cold! I'll give you cold! And holy shit! Why do I feel like such an old person with all this cold? My poor hands hurt so bad! I hope I'm not getting arthritis. I have Carpal Tunnel in both hands, and have had the surgery for it in both hands so I know it's not that. I know when the Carpal Tunnel is acting up. This is totally different. This is in the joints of all my knuckles. My hands ache so bad! And I can't seem to get them warm, hard as I try. Which, that could be from my thyroid acting up. Occasionally my body likes to go into hypothyroid mode and I have a hard time dealing with the cold. I swear something new starts falling apart every year right before my birthday! Gah! I'm not ready to be a Little Old Lady just yet.

Brrrrrrrr, Again!

Of course, we had a heat wave when I picked The Child up from school. WooHoo! LOL

BTW ignore the electrical tape. That little compartment has a chrome push button thingy doo-dad that the sun loves to hit just right, therefore blinding me as I am trying to drive. No matter how I adjust the seat. Since I am only 5'1", there is not much adjusting I can do if I still want to see over the steering wheel and/or reach the pedals LOL. Luckily, since the car is automatic, I don't have to sit on the dash board to be able to push the clutch in ... like in Hubby's pick up truck. You should have seen me pregnant and trying to drive his truck. I couldn't anymore once I passed my 7th month lol. I hate driving his truck anymore. I'm no spring chicken and I really don't want to have to do Yoga to limber up just to drive that dang thing! I'll stick to The Sassy Mobile, thank you very much!

So tomorrow I work 3-11. So much for supposedly having Fridays off. But at least it is an extra day on the paycheck. I have a funny feeling I am being set up. Tami knows that in order for me to work 3-11, I will be late due to The Child getting out of school at 3pm. Which is why I work the night shift now and have done so since the first day of school. Of course she has said numerous times that she (Tami) would be more than willing to stay late till I could get there after picking The Child up from school. But for the fact she has never scheduled me to work a 3-11 before now showed she really wasn't serious. She has scheduled Shelia numerous 3-11 shifts, but not me. Since Shelia is working 11-7 tonight, it would be too "hard" on her to leave at 7 in the morning & come back in at 3 so she will stay with her 11-7 shifts & I will work 3-11.

Honestly, I prefer 3-11. I love 3-11. I miss 3-11. But because of the stupid state law that middle & high school students living less than 2.5 miles from the schools can NOT ride a school bus, my hands are tied. We live 1.5 miles, thank you very much Murphy's Law and she would have to walk a busy 4 lane road, with no side walks and then cross over a major highway that has no cross walk/crossing guard, if I let her walk, which I won't, ever.

Anyway, I'm thinking that because I'm scheduled to work 3-11 and technically can't be there till 3:20 or later, Tami will find a way to use that against me. Especially when I have never been late (not even by 2 minutes) in the 7+ months I have been there. I don't trust Tami. As of right now, she has no grounds to fire me. Nothing. But if I come in late tomorrow, I wouldn't put it past her to use that against me, and then she would have what she would need to fire me with.

Luckily for me I have a kid that is looking forward to being signed out of school 30 minutes early tomorrow so that I can drop her off at home on my way to work. Take that, Bitch! Of course, Tami is under the impression I will be late tomorrow. I did nothing to make her think otherwise. So I am very much looking forward to the look on her face when I come strolling in my usual 5 minutes early. I only wish I could take pictures at the same time lol. Bad, Sassy! Bad! Now I just have to pray that she doesn't schedule me too many 3-11 shifts after tomorrow because the Principal said he would not mind 1 or 2 a month but not on a regular basis. (I had this long, drawn out "war" with him and the school transportation office and the school superintendent right before school started about The Child being denied school bus access.) But I'm not worried because in order for her to schedule me 3-11 shifts, they would be extra days because gasp she won't make Shelia work a Sat or Sun, especially the audit shift. Those are saved especially for me, minus my one Saturday a month she is "graciously" giving me off. And we already know her stance on giving me more than 3 days a week ... she'll die first lol. Although, it is perfectly acceptable for Shelia to "volunteer" to work a Saturday or Sunday. Perfectly acceptable, because Shelia needs the extra money [read: overtime pay].

So as much as I dread going in to work tomorrow, I am looking forward to it just as much. I'm hoping that by working 3-11 tomorrow I'll have a chance to talk to Bill, the owner, and see if maybe I can transfer permanently to the other hotel he owns. It's worth a shot. We'll see. Of course I probably won't see/talk to him but just in case I do, I will ask him.

Before I forget, I'll have you People know that I spent three hours this morning, THREE HOURS, getting caught up on all your entries and notes. Not that I am complaining mind you, because there was a time, not too long ago, I could count on less than one hand the amount of followers/readers/noters I had and vice versa. I love you all and am so glad I made the decision to leave "that other place" permanently. But in the future, when a Sassy is down in the dumps, and doesn't want to be sociable with reading entries/receiving notes on her "woe is me" entries, just don't. Don't write your own entries. Don't note mine. LMAO Seriously, THREE HOURS, People's!

I wanna give a special shout out to the awesome G for helping me to accomplish this entry. A while back she had posted a tutorial on how to do the thumbnail picture posts and my Redneck, non-technology inclined, ding-bat self kept screwing up her very simple, very easy to use tutorial. I had to admit defeat and go begging her for help. Thanks again Ma'am! You ROCK!!!

Till next time ....

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