Orientation means.... in Secrets from myself

  • Dec. 4, 2013, 12:20 a.m.
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  • Public

... lining yourself up with something. Making yourself agree with a set of expectations. Turning sideways as you enter a fast moving stream of water so you will go with the flow. Pulling out from a stop sign on to a highway on a foggy morning, getting head and tail lights pointing into and against the flow of traffic as quickly as you can, getting up to a little less than highway speed, so you won't be surprised by what's coming up behind you.

So I had job orientation today. I learned the little things, the big things, the things I'll never need to know, the ones that are common sense, the ones that I'll never remember, the ones that I misunderstood. It's all good. I know where the ladders are, what to do for spills, where to put my lunch, how to find my schedule, where to park, how to punch in, where the bathrooms are. I learned morality, and friendliness and most of the ten commandments.

I joined a club. I got the password. I learned the secret handshake. (There is no secret handshake.)

It's all good. It all has a purpose.

 photo DSC08117.jpg

Florentine December 03, 2013

Maybe part of that purpose will find you becoming the generator of The Secret Handshake.

I kid, but only sorta!

NorthernSeeker December 03, 2013

It sure didn't take you long to find another job. I hope you enjoy the experience and get to know some other people.

M December 04, 2013


woman in the moon M ⋅ December 04, 2013

It's hard to know if it's a good idea or not. I think they would have hired anyone with a pulse and I'm still driving 40 miles a day for a low paying job.... but it is something to do and I seem to want something to do. So thanks.

I watched the trainer - I'd had a similar job at my former former job - and I knew I could never get a 'serious' job again.

RoseS December 04, 2013

Oh wow! that wasn't much time off. Glad you found something though. Love the bit on orientation!

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