exhausted. in The Awesome Chronicles of me.

  • Aug. 26, 2015, 1:55 p.m.
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  • Public

These four things I KNOW ARE TRUE:

1) I am really tired.

2) Friend is coming over to game later

3) This day has been super choppy.

4) Gaming has been ok.

so here we go......

Yeah, past couple days have been okay, Gamed yesterday, gonna game tonight. I am exhausted though, my mom had an issue with her car, and she was kind of afraid to take it far, so I woke up at 540 am to pick her up and driver her to my brothers because she wanted to take pictures of my nieces first day of kindergarden. She asked me to go.. I said ok, because she was feeling really lousy (She has been fighting a bad cold) I went to bed at 130 cause I couldn’t sleep and i slept terribly so I went and i was really out in left field today.

Other than that, things are par. Nothing really is going on. I’m exhausted, i’m gonna be playing FFXIV until my friend comes, i’m gonna make a pot pie for dinner. I’m drinking a Pumpkin Maple mocha. Its not as good as i thought it’d be.

I feel just bland today.

Here are pictures of boots cat:
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This kitty. So cuddly.

Ok, thats all. Have a great day.

Thus ends our broadcast day.



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