Football! in The Awesome Chronicles of me.

  • Aug. 24, 2015, 1:20 p.m.
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  • Public

These four things I KNOW ARE TRUE:

1) My weekend was modest, fun.
2) Football game was not bad, injuries though ><
3) I’m dealing.
4) I have to wash my hair.

so here we go..............

Yeah, I’m okay. This weekend was not bad. I played FFXIV for the most part, and I went to the Packers/steelers game on Sunday, more on that in a few moments.
FFXIV went okay, I am close to achieving a personal goal of all jobs to level 50 (I have ninja and astrologian to go, ninja is 47 and astrologian is a pain in the butt at 43) My kitties are being silly and jumping onto places where they aren’t supposed to be jumping onto (my tv stand) So I gave them punishment cuddles.

So. The Packers game This was my view:
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My mom toyed with the idea of going because I went by myself. I am glad she didn’t. It was very high up, combine that and it was a warm day there was a lot of walking, she would never of made it. That being said.

The good:
I saw my team, the packers play, I rarely get to see them mainly because I live in Western pa and they are out of Wisconsin.
The view was perfect, I was high up but you could see EVERYTHING.
The weather, while a tad warm was perfect.
Anyone who knows me knows i’m not a huge fan of driving, the trip was easy.
Parking was easy, I was afraid id have to park far away (But there is a bad to this oh boy it there a bad) I got out of town easy too
Food was pretty good too, and for a stadium experience 8 bucks for a meal, not bad.
Because there was a sack on the packers backup qb, Everyone in the stadium got a free burger from a local restaurant chain (Eat and park) I shall indulge on that tomorrow.
It was overall an enjoyable experience.

The bad:
The injuries to both sides, aside the fact that Jordy Nelson, one of the most important packers players is probably out for the season, and a guard hopefully was just sick and not a concussion (it was really hot so I’m hoping sick) There were some steelers injuries as well.
The parking cost.. THIRTY FIVE FREAKING DOLLARS. HOLY CARP. I was expecting 20 maybe 25. But Holy carp. I spent 27 on gas, and 26 on food. (A Gyro, a Chicken chipolte sausage (which was good) And 2 bottles of water)
The walk, Holy carp it was a long walk, I got freaking winded going up and down the stairs.
Losing the parking garage where i was parked, but that was just me being a dingus.

The ugly:
I understand i was a fan of the visiting team, and 95% of the fans were respectable, but there were a couple fans who treated this like the super bowl and not just a random preseason game, holy carp, every time Green Bay did something good or the refs threw a penalty on the steelers, it was “Cheating” and it got worse as the game went by. I think by the end everyone in the section was getting bothered by these people. There were a couple other people who were treating this super seriously.. oi vey.

Overall it was fun. 7/10 (injuries parking and idiots)

As I was leaving, There were homeless people throughout the parking lot and all that, and I gave one lady 5 dollars, why? Because she had an adorable puppy with her, and I have a soft spot for animals, doggie let me pet him and everything.

But thats about it. I shall return on wednesday:

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Macaroni kitten snoozing away. Adorable boy.

Have a great night and a good tuesday.

Thus ends our broadcast day.



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