A done deal. in A small but passable life.
- Aug. 23, 2015, 6:20 p.m.
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No phone call yet. When I do get a call I hope it’s just an update.
Daughter, finally, on her third try, made it completely through the line and the process at the license bureau. The van is now officially and totally hers. Title in her name and tags good for another two years.
It’s the first time in forty-two years I haven’t owned a vehicle of any kind. It feels rather liberating. Kind of like I just dropped two-and-a-half tons off my shoulders. I have a spare set of keys in my pocket and that’s it.
When Jassy got home from work today I was summoned downstairs and handed my birthday presents. I was impressed. Three small items from my Amazon wish list: a 1.2 quart stainless steel tea kettle (to trade her for the 2 quart kettle), the Nat Geo Arizona #251 topo map Superstition & Four Peaks Wilderness Areas + Tonto Nat. Forest (Mom lives across the road from the Wilderness Area), and the d.light S2 solar lantern. This lantern is more of a work light/spot lantern, maybe call it a task light.
Liam and I did manage to get outside for a short walk today.
The Weather Channel says that after the thunderstorm this morning our total rainfall for the month now stands at 6.02 inches. Three times normal. Crazy times.
I took the Reflectix out of the West windows. I took down the giant beach towel from the window. I left the woven blanket up.
This afternoon I went to go downstairs and found Liam Dog and Ass Cat napping together lying in the sun in front of the window.
So yeah, all copacetic here.
The question of the day is:
You’ve been given $20,000, only if you buy either a sailboat or a motorhome or a piece of land. Only those three choices. Oh yeah, you’re required to live the appropriate lifestyle you’ve chosen. Does that make sense?
I’d buy the boat because I’ve never lived on the water. Simple choice.
Anyway, I may go out for a walk.
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