Stunning day/brother's wedding woes in Adventures in paradise

  • Aug. 18, 2015, 6:05 a.m.
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This was basically my view when I went to the parklands this morning to finish off reading my book. It was such a stunning day and the warm sun sitting my back was almost orgasmic.

THIS is the Brisbane Winter weather that I absolutely adore in every way, and reminds me yet again why I love living here so much.

Sure, Melbourne may have taken out Lonely Planet’s “World’s most livable city” trophy (again) but clearly whoever wrote that is biased for whatever reason. Yeah, I love Melbourne but the one thing I dislike about it is it’s constantly changing weather. It can’t make up it’s mind, on any given day. You need to dress for all seasons!
Here, the only difference you really get is maybe an afternoon storm come through and generally that’s only in summer. It was a stunning 24 degree day here, not a cloud in the sky, and I just found myself a little cemented area near the outdoor theatre and made myself comfy but resting my ankles on the thongs I was wearing and leaned my back against the lean. I could have basked there for hours, just enjoying that view and the countless numbers of birds flying around and playing with each other and chirping, and, did I mention that sun was amazing?

Well it was great until a PT decided to come along with about 6 of his clients and started using the theatre as stair climbing exercises. So I moved after a while to another little park bench, where a cute little bird curiously watched me reading.

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Of course I had to go back and add a Snapchat filter to my photo :)

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I went running last night with Vish, James and Angelo, along the Riverwalk. I hadn’t actually been on it since it’s been rebuilt, and that was something a bit different. Vish is trying to lose weight, so he actually suggested running to Angelo, and I joined in. We gotta give him support somehow.
We are going again tonight, but this week is going to be a busy work-week for me, as I’m doing near full-time hours, so I said I can only go if we go early.

My gym membership runs out today, so I won’t need to get up at 4am, because I doubt my card will let me in anymore. I’m looking into swapping to Snap, on the provision that I can get my workmate to refer me so that I can avoid the $100 joining fee. I ain’t paying a joining fee to a gym since I’ve been going to them for years. Fuck that. They also apparently now offer Qantas points, even though it’s little, it’s a bit more of an incentive, if it can help get eventually get me a cheaper trip somewhere when I eventually take a decent-sized holiday, and not just the 4-day one next week for my brother’s wedding.
They totally copied my gym though, who offer Virgin points.

I was trying to modify my car rental reservation for the end of the month to make it a day earlier so that I can attend Rhys’ birthday party, which happens to be the day before my bro’s wedding. It’d make things a hell of a lot easier if I just do that, but for some reason their website just wasn’t working. It’s done that a few times now, even the last time I tried to book a vehicle, I had to do it through the international URL because the Australian one was being a bitch. It’ll be an extra $60 so I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it or if I’ll just have to public transport it back early the night before. If I book the car earlier, I can just head home from the party and get my wedding clothes all packed up ready to go.
In past year’s I’ve stayed and always had good fun at Rhys’ parties, so it sucks about the timing of this year’s because I doubt I’m going to be able to drink, especially with driving the next morning, or earlier if I can modify this reservation.

Stupid wedding’s. This will leave me the only sibling out of the four of us who hasn’t been married. I kind of need to have a partner to be able to do that LOL.

And if Australia won’t legalize it, I’ll happily support the economy of a country that will. My dad will most likely not be invited.

My brother’s wedding will be the first time I’ll be seeing him in at least a year and a half I think it is now. I’m still trying to think how I’m going to handle the situation. All I know is that it’s going to be awkward as all fuck, for me at least. It’ll be a completely pink elephant in the room, with my smile toward the bridal-party and my standoffish-ness toward my father.
James did point that that because I’m a groomsman, we’ll be facing each other during the reception. Ergh. Just great. Fucker.

I somehow need to draw a line down the middle on put on two faces for the day.

I think I’ve decided I’m not going to stay in Toowoomba for the night. Ergh, Toowoomba… The cheapest places are worth like $150 a night, and let’s face it, I don’t think Toowoomba is worth half of that.

Perpetually Plump August 18, 2015

Do not listen to people who went you to tell your dad off, Matty. Do the right thing for your brother's sake. There is a time and a place to tell your dad to fuck off, but it's definitely not on your brother and sister in law's wedding day! Don't get drunk if you think you can't keep yourself from honoring and respecting your brother, his wife, and her family. I know you know this already though! There will be a time for your dad to get told to stuff off, and it will be glorious! And hell, maybe you can do it privately, just before you leave the wedding. But do it sober so they no one can be like, "he was drunk he didn't mean any of it." you want to make sure he knows you mean every damn word of it!

nthaniel Perpetually Plump ⋅ August 18, 2015


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