Hello again. in The Awesome Chronicles of me.

  • Aug. 13, 2015, 5:44 p.m.
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  • Public

These four things I KNOW ARE TRUE:

1) Football is back!

2) Nothing big going on tonight.

3) Today was okay.

4) This is a witty response.

So here we go.....

Yeah, football is back! I’m gonna probably watch at least the first quarter, maybe a bit more, cause you know preseason. Today was okay, I had to help my brother move a drawer like a room and a half, that took five minutes, and at least he said thank you. (he has had a habit of not saying thanks)

Weekend will be okay, my mom is kind of under the weather so i’m gonna be doing stuff for her if she needs it. (Except saturday from like 3-9 i’ll be in Cranberry doing some light gaming) She has a cold, and COPD + Cold = slow recovery for her

So thats about it. Just gonna watch some of this football game , (If anything ill probably watch it fully if i wanna later when NFL network shows it and all preseason games like FIVE MILLION TIMES) Probably either first quarter or first half, but its nice to see the packers playing.

That is all for me i think. Kitty picture time:

alt text

Boots guarding my chest freezer.

Have a great night and a good weekend.

Thus ends our broadcast day

Good night, good luck


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