There is always more... in Secrets from myself

  • Nov. 27, 2013, 11:53 p.m.
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  • Public

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I took a bunch of pictures today. Not great pictures but maybe interesting ones. The top one is of the snow skiffs on top of the fresh ice on the pond at the park in town. The bottom one is a selfie, using the sun behind my back as a photo assistant.

I took photos today of:

  • the wood I unloaded
  • corn being unloaded
  • black cows in cornstalks
  • early season snowdrifts
  • a beautiful river just beginning to ice over
  • a cemetery gate
  • the pond in town

Let me know if something interests you.

I find this place private. The other place is where my kids can read, and where many people who I know or don't know may or may not read. I give out its address on impulse to people I either know or don't know. It's like taking off my clothes in a store window.

Here is a softly lit bedroom with the curtains drawn. Here I can say anything. Here I can be anything. And still be myself.

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NorthernSeeker November 29, 2013

Two beautiful photographs. I love the one of the snow on the ice. That is just beautiful ice for skating, if you knew it was thick enough.

Of course I'm interested in all the photos you took but if I had to narrow it down to two, I'd pick the cows in the corn stubble and the early season snowdrifts.

NorthernSeeker November 29, 2013

It's good to have a different part of the internet to hide out on.

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