Sunday morning in Day to day life from a woman that turned 60 in Oct 2014 and who lives on a farm and Retired on January 2, 2016. I plan to do more sewing, work outside in the yard and just enjoy my retirement.
- July 26, 2015, 9:29 a.m.
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Woke up “normal” time at 4:45am and wanted to go back to sleep. Body has other things in mind so here I am. On my 2d or 3d cup of coffee have done nothing else except make the coffee. My right eye lid is swelled up and had started in the left corner last night. I think I got bit by something while I was mowing but never ever expected for this swelling to spread. It feels like I have a huge glob of “sleep” in my eye and takes everything not to try and wipe it away. If it isn’t better by in the AM I will go to see the doctor. If it continues to swell and affects my sight before today is over and I may have to go to Dr After Hours which I’ve never done before.
I saved the above paragraph and got some things done. Refilled the feeders for the hummers, started a load of laundry and got the few dishes soaking in hot water that I’ll wash when I finish this entry. It is now a little after 8 am and I took 2 Benedryl to hopefully help with the swelling. My tummy is a bit icky but I’m hoping that it settles down now. I’m also extremely tired but whatever. I need to run the vacuum over the LR and my bedroom carpet today. Not sure that I’ll get that done, but hope so.
Owen’s surprise for his b’day from his Mom is today. They are going to a minor league Cardinal’s baseball game in Springfield. Owen will be SOOOO excited and the plus is that several others are included in this surprise to include Dude and all of his crew. A called a few minutes ago and she and Owen will go to SS and then head to Springfield on the promise that he will go to Bass Pro for his birthday. The game is tonight at 6 and she called to let me know it will be in TV tonight. So.....I will watch a baseball game in hopes of seeing the birthday group. A told me that would be wishing him Happy Birthday on the marquee and he will get to meet the mascot and take a picture. He is going to be one excited birthday boy!!
I mowed the yards with the zero turn mower yesterday afternoon and that is when whatever it was bit me on the forehead above my eye. I’m happy to say that I destroyed nothing while using the mower but I am very careful and drive it slow. There were a couple of areas that I didn’t mow as I’m not secure enough to try it yet, but hopefully I’ll get more confidence and get to those areas which are on a slope on the next time around. Also it had rained on Friday evening and early yesterday morning so the grass was wet and slick. When I have to react quickly is when I do thing wrong so until I can automatically turn the handles the right way to do what I want it to do I will be very cautious.
I cleaned and did laundry yesterday and yes I washed my new sheets and put them on my bed yesterday. I must use a little bleach on my sheets as I love the faint smell of bleach in my bedding. It just smells cleaner and fresher to me. The best thing in addition to the bleach would be to line dry them but I don’t have a clothes line anymore. The touch of bleach seems to suffice and comfort me when I go to bed so I may not ever put another clothes line back up. I do have new clothes line ready though if I change my mind.
I have been dealing with fleas. What a nightmare. They were in my garage and on my front porch. I am still fighting the fight and have been buying and concocting stuff to rid both areas of the evil things. I spray flea killer, spray vinegar, and bought some bug killer. They all work for a short time, but the concoction that seems to work the best for the garage is a mixture of dawn and water in a white lid under a light. I was amazed to see how many fleas were drawn to and died in this concoction. It doesn’t work as well outside but it is a relief to see it killing the population in garage. I use tick and flea stuff on both the cat and dog but apparently there were just enough (1 female and a male) for them to multiply in the garage. I didn’t have clue how bad it was until last weekend when I went to the garage to look for something and looked down and my white socks were covered in fleas and several were already snacking on my ankles. ITCH!! SCRATCH!! Apply meds and more meds!! I am hoping and praying that I can make the flea population extinct soon!! Believe it or not the vinegar spray seems to help a lot on the concrete porch however it evaporate quickly so I reapply every time I walk out there. I am not fond of the smell of the vinegar however it is much better than flea bites and Lord have mercy I do NOT want them in the carpet. A nightmare for SURE!!
Using the scrap fabric for blocks can be annoying. I started out just pulling scraps out and sewing them together but the longer I’m working on this project the more anal I’m becoming about colors in the block. That is NOT what I intended to do so I must try and stop paying attention and just sew.
I need to switch the load from the washer to the dryer so will end this entry now. Have a wonderful Sunday and a calm week. Take care and God Bless
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