Sunday morning September 6th in Misc. Thoughts opinions, the whole trash can.

  • Sept. 6, 2015, 2:54 p.m.
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It is a cool Sunday morning. Yes like a heathen, I missed church this morning. My old left knee is swollen, why I don’t know, but its working itself out. I need to bring out a FROZEN chicken out to thaw. And old stand by Mexican roadside Chicken. That will be the “Labor Day feast”, for tomorrow.

I stood by the back door off the deck. I hear a familiar sound, a train blowing for a crossing in the distance. Yep around MP 21 or even Sedalia, CO, my old route on the Santa Fe. The low droning of the ES-44’s, they are General Electrics, U-Boats as I still refer to ‘em. I made a mistake, while troubleshooting, before I retired. A BNSF General Mechanical Foreman and a GE rep, showed up, during a problem and inspection. I said “U-Boat”, and got the glare…lol The older GE’s when hired out, were U designated in the model, for “Universal” hence GE Locomotive people, to this day, hate the reference to U-Boat’s . I was told quite sternly, these aren’t the U-Boats you ran 30 years ago!!! Oh well, is like a boat anchor, so we’ll go from there.

It brings back memories, but I am glad my time at the throttle, and as a troubleshooter are over. Was 0835, so they’ll be over the top by 1105, depending on traffic, but hey Have a good trip.

Leaves are changing, ever so slowly. Loveland Pass has a light dusting of snow. Winters closing in, but fall, like spring a wonderful time.

Have a safe Labor Day all.........

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