update in my challenge

  • Feb. 17, 2015, 6:57 p.m.
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i figure i should update this as well.
i’ve lost 50lbs since starting this mess over a year ago
which is pretty good considering i took off 2 months due to illness and injury
sure not as defined as over the summer, but that’s just a matter of time.
haven’t hit my goal yet, but that’s not a big deal, i’m just going to keep going
i’ve been juicing having one for breakfast and one with dinner.
i hope its making things better, i really can’t tell
also added a serving of brazil nuts a day.
noticed a slight testosterone bump after they were added.
been juicing mostly beets, kale and celery
tastes not so awesome but i’m getting the good stuff out of it.
not going to argue about fiber, don’t see the point, things are pretty regular as it is
dropped the hmb added zma
gonna keep going until i can get it right.

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