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  • July 15, 2015, 8:10 p.m.
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So I got my tattoo last week. It’s still scabby and ended up being bigger than first thought, so it’s not quite finished. The receptionist hadn’t booked me in for long enough so I’ve got the outline and the shading, but not the colour I’d anticipated. It’s about the size of a saucer, a beetle with a star/circle behind it. I do like it and can’t wait for it to be coloured in because it’s gong to look awesome!
Speaking of things being bigger than anticipated, I bought Syd the cockatiel a new cage.....It’s enormous! It’s big enough that he can actually fly from the bottom to the top, but he chooses to just climb. I’m seriously contemplating getting him a female now. I know he’s old (20!) so I doubt I’ll get babies, but now that the house is empty all day, he evidently gets bored on his own because he’s singing to us when we come home, something he hasn’t done for a long time. At least in a cage this size, if he decides he doesn’t want company, he can choose to sit alone if he wants.

Work continues to be good. My colleagues are all lovely, on the whole, and I’m getting the same ribbing as everyone else now, a sure fire way of telling they’re comfortable with me! I did get a dreadful customer today though. She wanted a £3.99 clock and asked me if it came with a battery. I said I didn’t know, if it did it would be in the box in the stock room. When I got the box, it didn’t have a battery in it, so she asked if we could sell her one. I knew we sold packs of batteries, but wasn’t sure if we sold them individually, so I said I wasn’t sure, I’d ask. This involved me walking to the till, where the manager was, and the customer said “I don’t want to buy a pack of batteries if they’re more expensive than the clock!” and I laughed, then asked Dawn if we could sell an individual battery. She said yes, that was fine. The customer then turned to Dawn and said “I asked her THREE TIMES if I could get a battery with this clock, and THREE TIMES she ignored me!” I was shaking with anger, but thankfully Dawn stuck up for me and said “to be fair, Sonja said she wasn’t sure and said she’d ask me. And at £3.99, you can’t really expect it to come with a battery as well.” After she’d gone, Dawn took me to one side and said I’d dealt with it very well and the customer was just a silly old pillock and to ignore her. I could have cried with relief, I was so close to being really nasty to the customer but bit my tongue!

Isabel took part in another talent show on Saturday. Her and her friend, Caitlin, sang I Just Can’t Wait To Be King from Lion King. They did a little dance routine as well, it was really enjoyable. They came joint second overall, a result she was chuffed with! They had judges like from Britain’s Got Talent, including a resident baddie! It was all very good fun and raised almost £1,000 towards the refurbishment of the community centre.

Can you believe I’ve back Home for four years now?!

So plans for the next couple of weeks:

Kids break up for the summer on Friday. This means I get lie ins, yay!
We’re going on holiday in little over a week. Nothing is planned…AT ALL…but we’re probably going to Arran again, travelling on public transport and camping. Exciting!
I’m going to the hairdressers on Friday. I don’t do this very often, it’s the second time since I moved Home. I’m looking forward to getting it washed and styled, it was lovely and swishy last time that happened.

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