::smh/sighs:: in meh...
- June 30, 2015, 3:30 p.m.
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My cousin, Miss Fight The Power/Save the World is turning into one of those people. Those people who don’t research before spreading bs. It’s like the third time I’ve seen it.
There is some bogus post about Bristol Palin (who cares right??) crying because she’s pregnant by a black man that she doesn’t know who it is, but his name might be DeShawn. The she put her spin on it about the girl going “slumming” and the first out of wedlock child, and racist this, racist that…
Really?? Reacting vs Researching then reacting…::smh::
So I was already suspect about that anyway and then reading the article, that was nowhere to be found.
“uhm…Did you read this? This blurb isn’t quoting what’s in the actual article…“
Then it turned into “I saw it after I posted.” Wrong answer. READ it BEFORE you post it.
This world is so divided on so many fronts.
It makes me sad.
Respectfully in my corner…
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