A Final Descent Into Oblivion (Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories) in Gamer's Gaming

  • June 30, 2015, 9:56 p.m.
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The Road So Far…

The truth behind the Organization’s plans, Namine, Riku, and Castle Oblivion itself has been revealed! Namine, a witch with the ability to see, enter, and manipulate people’s memories, is a captive of the Organization and was imprisoned in Castle Oblivion for her powers. Marluxia and Larxene used Namine to manipulate the memories within Sora’s heart in an attempt to weaken him and turn him into a puppet for their plans to take over the Organization. Vexen, a senior member of the Organization, created a replica of Riku as an experiment and used him to test Sora before being disposed of by Axel. Namine revealed the truth to Sora after being helped to escape from her prison by Axel. Namine explained that she could restore Sora’s true memories, but to do so would mean going to the thirteenth floor of the castle, where both Axel and Marluxia waited. With Larxene and Vexen both gone and Axel’s loyalty in flux, it is Marluxia who must be defeated. Sora, Donald, and Goofy make their way to the top floor of the castle to topple the plans of the Organization, defeat Marluxia, and regain their memories. Can our heroes accomplish this feat? We will know in just a few short minutes…


Sora, Donald, and Goofy entered the hallways of the thirteenth floor. As Donald and Goofy walk ahead, Sora took the good luck charm out of his pocket and wondered who the girl was. What was her name? Sora stood and did his best to think of the answer, but her name still wouldn’t come to his mind. Donald and Goofy walked back to Sora to check on him. Donald asked him if he could remember. Sora said that he could only remember Namine and asked if they could remember anything at all. Donald told him no and that he was sorry. He knew it was important, but he just couldn’t remember. He didn’t want to be, but he was starting to get scared. Goofy suggested that the three of them should make a promise. He said that what Sora had told Namine had gotten his brain thinking. Whenever a person made a promise that was super-duper big, maybe it gave them the courage to face the scary stuff. Sora and Donald both agreed. Donald said that even if they got scared or in trouble, or even if they got separated. Goofy added that even if they sorta forgot each other. Sora said that, whatever happened, they were friends. Donald said all for one, and one for all. This act of friendship taught Sora the Trinity Limit sleight. Using an attack card with a Donald friend card and a Goofy friend card would allow Sora to inflict heavy damage on all enemies in sight. Sora also gained the final Key of Beginnings card. Finally, Sora found himself iniside the rooms of the thirteenth floor. Sora faced down some old foes as well as some new ones. One such enemy was called the Neoshadow. Similar to standard Shadows, they could disappear and reappear at will, but these shadows were faster and much stronger than their smaller cousins. Sora, with such tough enemies to combat, made alot of use out of his Trinity Limit sleight to even the odds. Sora finally managed to fight through the enemies in the room and made his way to the eastern exit and used a Moment’s Reprieve card to move on. Sora checked his deck and opened the door to the east using an Almighty Darkness card to move on from there. Sora somehow managed to fight his way through the Heartless and made his way to the east exit, using a Tranquil Darkness card to move on. Back on the twelfth floor, Namine sat next to the prone body of the Riku replica. Suddenly, unbeknownst to Namine, a dark portal opened behind her and one of the hooded figures stood tall behind her.

Meanwhile, Sora moved on further into the depths of the castle. After defeating the Heartless in the Tranquil Darkness room, Sora went through the northern exit from the room using a Teeming Darkness card. Sora slogged through group after group after group of Heartless, almost being defeated a few times, but managed to finally stand tall above his foes. With the enemies defeated, Sora moved on to the north exit, using a Calm Bounty card to progress into the next room. The chest in the next room contained the Raging Storm sleight. Using an Aero card and two Fire cards, Sora could create three fiery tornadoes that would deal damage to his enemies they connected with. Sora had two options at that point, a north door and a west door. Sora went north first, using another Moment’s Reprieve card, assuming this floor would be larger than all the others. Sora reset his deck and moved on to the only other door in the east, the Key to Rewards door. In the Key to Rewards room, Sora gained the Super Glide ability, which would allow him to glide faster than before, making it easier to escape attacks. With nowhere else to go, Sora moved back to the Calm Bounty room and used a Mingling Worlds card, a map card that would randomize the next room, and made his way through the west door. The Mingling Worlds card turned the next room into an Almighty Darkness room. Crap… Sora still managed to make his way through the room and used a Calm Bounty card to open the way to the next room. After collecting the treasure, an Aero magic card, Sora moved to the next door and decided to try his luck with a Mingling Worlds card once more. The card created yet another Almighty Darkness room for Sora to contend with. Jeez, that card hates my ass. Sora still managed to get through the strong throng of Heartless and make it to the western door again. Using a Teeming Darkness card, Sora moved on. Further on in the castle, Marluxia walked through one of the castle’s highest floors when a dark portal opened up behind him and Axel appeared. Marluxia said that Axel had some nerve showing his treasonous face around him. Axel said that he had no idea what Marluxia was talking about. Marluxia spun to face the ginger assassin. He asked Axel why he would let Namine go. If it hadn’t been for Axel’s needless meddling, they could have turned the Keyblade master to serve them. Axel feigned surprise and remembered Marluxia’s big plan. To use Namine to rewrite Sora’s memory piece by piece and he would turn into her total puppet. Then, using Namine and Sora together, Marluxia and Larxene would overthrow the Organization. Axel asked if he was right and said that it seemed that it was Marluxia was the traitor. Marluxia asked since when Axel had been suspicious of them. Axel countered, asking if either one of them actually had the heart to believe anyone else. Marluxia chuckled and asked if Axel had only eliminated Vexen to obtain proof of their plan. Axel said he hadn’t wanted to do that, but it had been Marluxia’s order. Axel drew his chakrams and stared Marluxia down, reminding him that it had been HIS order to eliminate the traitor and Axel said that he always followed orders.

Sora, meanwhile, had arrived in the Teeming Darkness room. After fighting through the Heartless masses once more, Sora made his way to the room’s north door and went through using a Mingling Worlds card. Fingers crossed.... Ah ha! This time, the room became a Premium Room. After fighting his way through the Heartless, Sora progressed to the door in the east and, deciding to give himself a break, used a Calm Bounty card to open the next room. Sora received a Blizzard card and proceeded to the northern door, using a Guarded Trove card to move on into the next room. After defeating the Heartless and retrieving a Mega-Ether card from the chest in the room, Sora made his way to the west, where the Key of Beginnings door waited for him. Sora gave up the necessary cards and opened the last special door in the castle.

In the room beyond, Axel was still speaking to Marluxia, telling him that Larxene had paid the price for disloyalty when she had disappeared. Marluxia would have to do the same. Axel attacked, swinging at Marluxia with his chakrams while Marluxia, scythe in hand, dodged nimbly around the room. Axel threw his chakrams at the traitor, but his attack was blocked. Axel told him that the Organization had been betrayed and, for that, he was going to take Marluxia out. Axel attacked again, but Marluxia dodged past him once more and swung his scythe, sending out a wave of magic at the place where Axel jumped to shortly before. Axel just barely managed to block the attack. Suddenly, Marluxia produced a portal and made Namine appear before him. Axel mocked Marluxia, asking if that was his shield. It wouldn’t do him any good. Marluxia wondered as he calmly held Namine in front of him and began to talk louder, asking if Sora had been listening. Sora, Donald, and Goofy emerged from the door just behind Axel. Axel smiled at Marluxia’s little trap. Marluxia told Sora that Axel was willing to harm Namine just to get to him. He wouldn’t let that happen, would he? Sora and company drew their weapons. Axel scoffed and asked if Sora was Marluxia’s puppet already. Sora told Axel that after he finished him, Marluxia was next. Axel, barely looking over his shoulder, told Sora that they had more in common than Sora might think. Axel turned and told Sora that he would rather not fight him, but he couldn’t dishonor the Organization, now, could he? Axel attacked with pillars of fire, flaming chakrams, and blazing fast attacks as he took on the Keyblade wielder. Sora relied on his tried and true method of attacking with Sonic Blade and added in a few Strike Raids for good measure. With some measure of luck, Sora managed to defeat the fiery chakram master and earned the Axel enemy card for his victory. After the battle, Axel stood, grasping his chest. He told Sora that he was better than Axel thought he would be. It had been worth saving Sora after all. Sora asked what Axel meant by saving him. Axel chuckled and told Sora that he would hate to kill the suspense as Axel disappeared into a black cloud. Sora called out to Axel, but he had disappeared. Sora looked around for Marluxia and Namine, but Marluxia had disappeared back into the castle hallways. Sora grunted in frustration and took off after him.

Sora retreated back to the Moment’s Reprieve room and, after resetting his deck for the coming challenges, realized there was a new door in the north of the room. Sora used a Tranquil Darkness card to open up the door and moved on into the next room. After defeating the Heartless in the room, Sora moved on to the door in the west, using a Calm Bounty card to move on. Sora grabbed a Blizzard magic card from the chest in the room and moved towards the west once more, using a Mingling Worlds card to open the next door, which created another Calm Bounty room. Inside the chest was yet another Blizzard card. With the entirety of the floor explored, Sora finally made his way back to the Tranquil Darkness room and proceeded out the other exit, a door in the north. Inside the room was a long hallway, at the end of which Marluxia stood waiting with Namine. Marluxia was impressed that Sora had defeated Axel and admitted that he had longed to make the Keyblade’s power his own. Sora demanded that he let Namine go. Marluxia told Sora that he had no chance of winning and commanded Namine to erase Sora’s memory. Everyone was startled, Namine included. She knew that if she did that, Sora’s heart would be destroyed. Marluxia said that he would have preferred Sora unmarred, but he could be rebuilt more to Marluxia’s liking, with time. Marluxia commanded Namine to do it, but Namine refused. She said that Sora had trusted her, even after she had betrayed him, so how could she destroy his heart? She said there was no way she would do it. Namine didn’t care what happened to her. She would not hurt Sora. Marluxia was about to strike Namine down, but Sora told her to do it. He didn’t care. Namine could erase his memory. Goofy, startled, asked why Sora would say that. Sora said it was because he wouldn’t have anyone to look after if he didn’t have Namine. Sora turned to Namine again and told her to erase his memories and destroy his heart. He had promised to always protect her and he would. Sora said that he didn’t need any memories to take on someone like Marluxia. Donald agreed. Even if Sora forgot everything, he and Goofy wouldn’t. Goofy agreed and said that he and Donald could remember everything for Sora. Sora said that since he would have all of his friends’ memories, he would be able to piece his own together again. Marluxia called Sora an ignorant fool. If Namine used her powers to erase his memory, he would be nothing but an empty shell. Sora’s heart would no longer be able to feel or care and he would end up just like Vexen’s pathetic imitation of Riku. Suddenly, Riku’s voice called out and told him to take another guess. A dark portal appeared above Sora’s head and the Riku Replica leaped out and attacked Marluxia. Marluxia dodged backwards and said that it couldn’t be. Sora said Riku’s name, but the replica told Sora that he was just an imitation. Marluxia didn’t understand. The replica was a shell, one who’d had everything taken from him. How was he there? The Riku Replica asked what Marluxia could possibly think he ever had since both his body and his heart were fake. But there was one memory he would keep, even if it was just a lie. Whether it was a phantom promise or not, he would protect Namine. Marluxia called them imbeciles and raised his hand into the air, drawing his scythe. He asked them if they would knowingly shackle their hearts with a chain of memories born of lies. They would be ones who had a heart, but would cast aside their heart’s freedom? Marluxia told them that they would turn from the truth only because their hearts were weak and that they could never defeat him! Marluxia had some brutal attacks with his scythe and came close to killing Sora with single blows and sleights of his own, more than once. However, Sora was relentless with his Sonic Blade attacks and managed to defeat the Graceful Assassin, earning him the Marluxia enemy card. Marluxia doubled over in defeat and disappeared in a flurry of flower petals. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Namine, and the Riku replica all relaxed. Donald asked if Marluxia was gone and Sora gave him a thumbs up. However, Marluxia’s voice suddenly boomed, as if speaking from each and every tiny particle of air in the castle. He said that they could say he was gone. Marluxia reappeared from a dark portal directly in front of the group. He said that what they had destroyed was merely an illusion of him. The Riku replica charged Marluxia, screaming, but as he swung his blade, Marluxia disappeared in a flurry of petals once more. Riku said that what he had swung his blade through was yet another imitation. Sora and company looked at a huge door set into a nearby wall. Sora asked if Marluxia was really in there. Namine confirmed it. Sora said he knew he was right. He could feel the power emanating out from the room beyond. It was trying to destroy his heart. Goofy said that they would just have to take care of him together. Donald told Sora it was time to stop Marluxia, once and for all. Sora asked the Riku replica to protect Namine. Riku turned back and asked if Sora wouldn’t mind. Sora laughed and asked if he should. Riku nodded and said that he would protect her. Sora, Donald, and Goofy readied themselves for their final battle in Castle Oblivion, win or lose. Finally, Sora walked toward the door with Donald and Goofy close behind. As Sora approached, the door opened and Sora found himself inside a large chamber where Marluxia was floating in the air. He told Sora that, soon, the emptiness would shatter his heart here in this world of nothingness. Marluxia cast a spell that sent several tornadoes spinning around the room. Sora did his best to resist the pull of the wind, blocking his face with his arms. As the wind died down, Sora looked up to see Marluxia sitting in a battle body of some kind that had two gigantic scythes for hands. Marluxia sat in the top of the body and told Sora that as lightless oblivion devoured him, he would drown in the ever-blooming darkness! Marluxia attacked with petal bots that shot lasers at Sora, a splash attack that caused major damage, and even an attack that blocked Sora’s ability to see what cards he could use, but Sora persisted, using the strength of his deck and his attack cards to put an end to the first part of the battle. Marluxia, becoming frustrated, drew them both into the darkness of the night sky to have their final fight. Marluxia was towered over by a giant, spectral version of himself wielding a scythe of gargantuan proportions. He attacked with blades of energy that slid across the ground at Sora, a wind attack that knocked Sora to the other end of the room, even using an attack that forced Sora to break his cards or die and another that scattered Sora’s cards to the wind, forcing Sora to retrieve them if he was going to use them. Sora did his best, using his Sonic Blade attack as much as possible, and mixing in some healing spells to endure through the battle. As the battle wore on, it seemed as if Sora may not defeat the mighty leader of Castle Oblivion, but bit by bit, Sora wore Marluxia down until, as Marluxia and Sora were down to their final bits of health, Sora launched a combo attack and finished Marluxia off with the final swing of his Keyblade. Marluxia screamed as his essence began to rip away in a flowery darkness. Marluxia reached towards Sora, trying to defy his fate, but finally, the evil master of Castle Oblivion was no more. Sora stared Marluxia’s failing form down until the final vestiges of his essence were gone before turning and walking away.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy ran back through the giant doorway and, as Sora looked back through, Donald and Goofy shut the door. Sora raised his Keyblade and sealed the door forever. Sora sheathed his weapon and looked back to Riku and Namine, asking if Riku was okay. Riku reminded Sora that he was not Riku, but a fake. He couldn’t remember why he was created or where or when. All that was inside of him was his time with Sora or Namine, but he knew those memories weren’t real. Goofy turned to Namine and asked her if she could use her magic to set Riku’s memories back to normal. Namine wasn’t sure, but the Riku replica said it was alright. He would deal with it. As the replica turned away, Sora called out to him and asked who cared if someone created him. He was him and nobody else. He had his own heart inside of him. Those feelings and memories were his and his alone. They were special! The Riku Replica turned to Sora and told him that he was a good guy. He didn’t have to be real to see how real Sora’s feelings were. That was good enough for him. The Replica turned and walked back into the halls of the castle to find his own path. As he disappeared, Donald turned to Namine and asked if she would be able to put their memories back. She said that she could. Not remembering something didn’t mean that it was really gone. Goofy asked what she meant. Namine explained that when a person remembered one thing, that led to remembering another and then another and then another. Their memories were connected. Many pieces were linked together, like in a chain. Namine didn’t actually erase any memories. She just took apart the links and rearranged them. They all still had all of their memories. Jiminy popped out and asked if she could put them back together. Namine said she could, but first, she would have to undo the chains of the memories that she had made on her own. After she had done that, she needed to gather up the memories scattered across each of their hearts and then reconnect them. It might take some time, but Namine was sure it would work. It was her turn to look after them. Sora told her that they trusted her. Jiminy realized something suddenly. He said that if she had to undo the links of the memories that she had made, what would happen? Namine said that they wouldn’t be able to remember anything about what had happened in the castle. Sora seemed startled and wondered if that meant they would forget her too. Namine said they would. It was the only way to fix their memories. Namine told Sora that he still had a choice. He could lose his memories of this castle and reclaim his old ones or keep his memories here and give up all that he had lost. Sora asked if he really had to choose. Namine said that he did. Sora was crestfallen that he would have to forget Namine, but he told her to go ahead and make him like he was. Namine turned back to Sora and said that it was okay. Nobody needed to keep a bunch of memories that weren’t real, right? Sora wanted to remember all of the peopel that were really important to him. Namine figured anybody would choose that.

In another room, Sora, Namine, Donald and Goofy made their way to a giant pod-like machine. Donald asked if they were going to have to sleep in that to regain their memories. Namine said yes. It would take a little bit of time, but she would take care of them. Goofy moaned, saying that when they woke up, they wouldn’t remember who she was anymore. Donald asked how they were going to thank him. Jiminy told him not to worry about that. He said he would just make a big note in his journal that said to thank Namine. Donald, sarcastically, said good, that would really make him feel better. Goofy told Namine good night and she wished him good night in return. Donald and Goofy walked off. Namine wished Sora good night too. Sora thanked her and made his way into the pod. Namine said that all of this may have started with a lie, but Namine had been glad that she had been able to meet him. Sora said that he was happy to meet her too. When he finally found her, and even when he had remembered her name, he had been happy. The way he felt then, that was no lie. Namine told Sora goodbye. Sora said it wasn’t goodbye. When he woke up, he would find her and there would be no lies. Then, they would be friends for real. Sora asked her to promise him. She said he would forget making that promise. Sora said that even if the chain of memories came apart, the links would still be there, after all. So the memory of his promise would still be inside of him. Namine figured he was right and promise him. Sora told her good night again. The two new friends pinky-promised and Sora made his way into the pod. Namine told Sora that some of his memories links were deep in the shadows of his heart and she wouldn’t be able to find them, but not to worry. He had made another promise to someone special to him. She would be his light within the darkness. Remember her, and all the memories lost in the shadows of his heart would come into the light. Namine told him to look at the good luck charm. She had changed it’s shape when she had changed his memory. But when Sora had thought of the girl in his heart just once, the charm had gone back to it’s original shape. Sora took the charm out and looked at it once more as the pod closed in front of him, sealing him in his slumber. Inside, Sora felt the memories of all those in his heart surrounding him. The refugees from Hollow Bastion, his friends from the island, Riku, and finally, Kairi! The memory of Namine began to fade. As it did, she told him that no matter what, she would be in his heart and they would both remember their promise. And one day, the light would be theirs and it would bring them together. Until then, she would be in his heart. Sora agreed. Forgotten, but not lost....

THE END…Or is it?

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