6/11 in --

  • June 11, 2015, 2:25 p.m.
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I’m still crazy busy…

We close on July 8th. We have to be out of our current house by the end of June. So we will be staying at Jacob’s parents’ house for a week. I’ll have to travel an hour and a half twice a week to my university for my class at 4:30. The rest are online, aside from Practicum (my summer internship), which I will be done with after next week.

Being at the high school is… both great and exhausting. Monday through Wednesday I’m in a classroom with a substitute who had no idea what he is doing with those kids (I don’t blame him, there are a few troublesome boys in there). They get out of their seats and walk around. They stand on desks. They open the door. They play music during lectures. They yell. They say inappropriate things. They play fight. It is a constant fight to get them to do anything. The sub has all but given up. If it were my classroom, I’d have kicked ‘em out by now. But they know that the sub won’t, so they keep acting up. And now the entire class is out of control. I spend most of my observation trying to manage the behavior. There were three of us in there with eight kids, and we managed to get some things done, but nowhere near what we need to be doing. It’s frustrating. And heartbreaking. They are really bright kids. I just wish they’d think of school as something important. They don’t.

I’m swamped with homework almost everyday too.

I do know that I feel completely at home in a classroom with students. I feel more relaxed about it than I thought I would be. I used to be up at night worrying about being afraid of being in charge of a bunch of kids and speaking in front of them… but I don’t feel that way at all. I feel confident in my abilities as a teacher. I know there is a steep learning curve and it’ll be hard – it already is – but I think I can do it.

I’d still like to be a school librarian though, more than a teacher.

Cannon qualified to be in a special education classroom for half-day preschool this fall in our school district. We also need to figure out how to get him to and from there. I’d need to hire someone to drive him from our house to the daycare he goes to now (it’s out of the school district, so they can’t). I don’t know how to go about doing that… perhaps care.com.

I’ve put my workouts on hold for now. I don’t have time.

We will have to find time to pack soon, hopefully. Just very busy.

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