Multi-paragraph list items in Tips and Tricks
- Nov. 25, 2013, 4:44 p.m.
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I don't think I explained this very well to someone, so I'm writing here to clarify.
Say you want a list of stuff with multiple paragraphs. You might try this:
1. Here's a list item.
Here's another paragraph in that list item
2. Here's another list item.
Which gives you:
- Here's a list item.
Here's another paragraph in that list item
- Here's another list item.
Oh crap, there's two number ones! Whaaa happpen???
Markdown, in its infinite wisdom, thinks you are done with your list once you've moved on to a new paragraph. It also does you the favor of starting over your "new" list at number one, since starting a new list at number two is total nonsense.
"But wait!" you say. "Any clever human would know what I meant!" Sadly, Markdown is not a clever human.
However, it's fairly easy to remedy this. Just indent the start of any continuing paragraph by four spaces, and you will be good to go. Like so:
1. Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet shoulder short loin pancetta beef, hamburger venison salami strip steak meatball ham hock rump tongue pig. Pork belly capicola hamburger salami doner beef. Beef ground round pork belly meatloaf bresaola shankle spare ribs tenderloin jerky. Fatback tenderloin pork chop sirloin, beef cow flank. Meatball beef t-bone cow shoulder chicken meatloaf pig corned beef beef ribs. Cow sausage hamburger brisket short ribs meatball doner shoulder chicken andouille sirloin leberkas. Strip steak cow frankfurter sirloin ham.
Drumstick tongue turkey sausage ham hock. Jerky tail hamburger leberkas t-bone pig fatback shoulder. Turkey hamburger jowl chicken meatloaf, andouille drumstick sirloin tenderloin salami rump fatback biltong kevin. Salami fatback jowl ball tip kevin. Pig tri-tip pancetta kielbasa. Bacon salami tenderloin ribeye pork. Meatloaf venison ribeye jowl hamburger pancetta, beef jerky bacon turkey short loin.
2. Flank turkey sausage, kevin beef hamburger sirloin rump bacon doner turducken tenderloin leberkas andouille meatloaf. Sirloin andouille tail kielbasa, brisket salami biltong t-bone venison pork chop frankfurter tongue. Chicken pancetta bacon flank tenderloin drumstick corned beef leberkas turducken short loin tail swine ham. Cow doner ham pork ground round shoulder. Pig rump bresaola tri-tip, fatback sausage capicola pork andouille chicken ham t-bone meatball.
Which should give you:
Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet shoulder short loin pancetta beef, hamburger venison salami strip steak meatball ham hock rump tongue pig. Pork belly capicola hamburger salami doner beef. Beef ground round pork belly meatloaf bresaola shankle spare ribs tenderloin jerky. Fatback tenderloin pork chop sirloin, beef cow flank. Meatball beef t-bone cow shoulder chicken meatloaf pig corned beef beef ribs. Cow sausage hamburger brisket short ribs meatball doner shoulder chicken andouille sirloin leberkas. Strip steak cow frankfurter sirloin ham.
Drumstick tongue turkey sausage ham hock. Jerky tail hamburger leberkas t-bone pig fatback shoulder. Turkey hamburger jowl chicken meatloaf, andouille drumstick sirloin tenderloin salami rump fatback biltong kevin. Salami fatback jowl ball tip kevin. Pig tri-tip pancetta kielbasa. Bacon salami tenderloin ribeye pork. Meatloaf venison ribeye jowl hamburger pancetta, beef jerky bacon turkey short loin.
Flank turkey sausage, kevin beef hamburger sirloin rump bacon doner turducken tenderloin leberkas andouille meatloaf. Sirloin andouille tail kielbasa, brisket salami biltong t-bone venison pork chop frankfurter tongue. Chicken pancetta bacon flank tenderloin drumstick corned beef leberkas turducken short loin tail swine ham. Cow doner ham pork ground round shoulder. Pig rump bresaola tri-tip, fatback sausage capicola pork andouille chicken ham t-bone meatball.
What a glorious result!
(list text courtesy of Bacon Ipsum)
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