This week.... in Hello.

  • June 15, 2015, 5:38 p.m.
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Dealing with Craig and his funeral. There’s been tears and laughter and boobs. Craig was well known for his topless selfies, the group have been honouring his memory (with his sister’s blessing) with more of the same. Took one douchebag to ruin it and tell teacher. Urgh, totally missed the point.

Lindsey is....OK. She’s in my “local” (15 miles away) hospital. I was going to see her Thursday, only no one could tell me if she was up for visitors or not. Didn’t relish a 3 hour bus journey there and back, only to be turned away. Sometimes I really wish I could drive. She’s had a lot of bother from other patients. She’s tiny, I wish there was something I could do to help. Dammit.
My granda is also in hospital, the same one, as it happens. He did something to his hip or spine, meaning he couldn’t sit up. No one is 100% certain what’s wrong, so he’s been kept in. He went in Monday, I only found out Friday via Facebook. He only lives 5 minutes walk from me. I mentioned how unhappy I was that I hadn’t been told on Facebook and my auntie Mary PMed me, saying something like “I thought your mam would have told you! I wondered why you hadn’t asked after him....” So instantly I felt an inch small. The fact that my parents were in hospital dealing with my dad’s fucking eye cancer before travelling to Spain for a bit of a break is by the by. It’s totally my mam’s fault. eyeroll
Dave Grohl breaking his leg. I was online while it was happening, live updates from when it happened to when he came back on stage! It was sad and amazing all at once. I’m on tenterhooks with the rest of the Fam. I know the band are in London, but there’s been no notification either way on the Wembley gig. I dunno, I’ve seen them, I’m ok. I’d like him to take time out to heal, but I’d like the Fam to see them. Devil and the deep blue sea!

My first born turned 20. TWENTY. Which also means John and I have been together 21 years. Yes, our anniversary is Rob’s birthday. You do the maths. :p. We gave him money towards a bike, which is what he wants.

Bel passed her audition to get into the local talent competition! They fluffed the tune and had to read their words from a sheet, but the judges could see potential in their voices and they’ve been invited back for the final!

Deleted user June 16, 2015

Twenty one years is quite an achievement!

Bomb Shell June 16, 2015

Why has Lindsey had a lot of bother from the other patients? You could go and visit her and Granda at the same time, so if Lindsey isn't up for visitors, you could still go and see Granda. I'm pretty sure it's a trapped nerve in his hip so they're doing physiotherapy to try and release it.

Did Rob have a good birthday? Did he like his t-shirt?

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ June 16, 2015

Rob hasn't mentioned his t shirt, did he not thank you for it?! Little swine.
Lindsey is on the psych ward, one of the other patients has taken a dislike to her, he's done time in Broadmoor for battering his wife. Lindsey is gobby, she will give as good as she gets, lol!
She's been moved to a halfway house now though, so it's all good.

puffin June 18, 2015

They've pulled out of Glastonbury! sulks

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