American They in poetry
- June 9, 2015, 9:28 p.m.
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- Public
The cake mix they made has powdered egg in it already.
They only have you add an egg to the mix
to make you feel like you did something.
You didn’t. America.
They love pretending there’s
all kinds of voter fraud so
they can prevent the disenfranchised from voting.
There isn’t. America.
They love pretending there’s
all kinds of public assistance fraud
so they can prevent the disenfranchised from eating.
There isn’t! America!
They claim Ketchupgate
is actually about ethics
in school-lunch vegetable designation journalism.
The GOP has become a contest to see
who can be furthest out on the wrong side of history
so yeah there IS a difference between the parties.
There’s a big difference
but maybe not big enough to change much of anything
anytime soon
unless we change it on the groundfloor ourselves.
But that’s okay. We can actually do that.
Because intellect isn’t about knowing facts
that are falsely regarded as written in stone.
That’s memorization.
Intellect is the ability to change and to grow.
And we’re doing that
although some of it might come along slow.
Last updated June 09, 2015
Squidobarnez ⋅ June 10, 2015
preach it!